"Beautiful Stories From Shakespeare" - Nesbit Edith

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Shakespeare instructed by delighting. His plays alone (leaving mere science out of the question), contain more actual wisdom than the whole body of English learning. He is the teacher of all good-pity, generosity, true courage, love. His bright wit is cut out into "little stars." His solid masses of knowledge are meted out in.... meted out in what?

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user37952 11 años, 6 meses atrás
Shakespeare instructed by delighting. His plays alone (leaving merescience out of the question), contain more actual wisdom than thewhole body of English leaming.His is the teacher of all good-pity, generosity, true courage, love. His bright wit is cut out "into littlestars. "His solid masses of knowledge are meted out in.
lani 11 años, 7 meses atrás
"mere science", "the whole", "good - pity", and "little stars" need to have spaces between the words

and "His solid masses of knowledge are meted out in" is not a complete sentence

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