Easy guy - BFL87

This quote fue agregado por bfl
This is just an easy sentence to type. Try and type this sentence without making one mistake. If you make that mistake it will cause your percentage to go down slightly.

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Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

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kyle_w 120.01 96.0%
user38367 113.04 100%
lkorth 111.90 98.2%
ockock 109.50 96.6%
smty 107.92 98.2%
dragonz_saga 105.61 99.4%
cmermel 103.97 97.6%
user40438 103.63 98.8%
silverlegend 100.74 100%

Recientemente para

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user64690 75.47 100%
ashlearm 69.40 98.3%
user90997 76.62 87.1%