
This quote fue agregado por jet2012
After a bit of typing tests, take a break for your own sake. Drop down and do twenty push ups. Stretch for a while. Read something, anything. Carpal tunnel syndrome may be rare, but it's not impossible to acquire. Also, the most common cause of it is typing.

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dvorakdan 7 años, 4 meses atrás
A quick paste from webmd:

It's a common belief that frequent typing can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. But it's actually three times more common among assembly line workers than it is among data-entry personnel -- and frequent use of vibrating hand tools increases the risk. In contrast, one study found that even heavy computer use -- up to seven hours a day -- did not make people more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome.

end paste

I have also heard that bike riding can cause this too, the vibration in the handle bars being much like the tools mentioned above.
bajie2009 11 años atrás

i know right. It is just weird.
littlebit264 11 años, 7 meses atrás
Wow that is odd...

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