Alex Gaskarth

This quote fue agregado por tylizzle007
Six feet under stars is a place that doesn't exist. It's a place in your mind where everything and anything is possible. It's a place with no rules or limitations. It's a place where only two people can be at a time, where no one can judge them and no one can try to break them apart.

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dvorakdan 7 años, 7 meses atrás
Just awful tripe. I typed it quite quickly though... so there's that.
user45354 10 años, 10 meses atrás
6 feet under stars is a place that doesn't exist. It's a
place in your mind where everything and anything is
possible. It's a place with no rules or limitations. It's a
place where only two people can be at a time where; no
one can judge them and no one can try to break them
red-hair-shanks 11 años, 6 meses atrás
There was something between no and one in the 5th line that I couldn't type it. It wasn't accepting 'space' or 'underscore'.

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