Intrinsic value. - Lynx.

This quote fue agregado por lynxiebewb
How can you measure the worth of a person against an animal? Most people would save the life of a person before any passing-by creature, or fluffy little pet, any day. How can we say that we are doing the most we can for our environment, when we throw the rights of our neighbouring beasts out the window, watching them shatter against the concrete pavement.

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mutti325 10 años atrás
I think it has more to do with the perception of potential and relatability. Humans are more likely to make an overall difference in our society and more people can relate to another person more than they can relate to an animal. I consider myself to be an animal lover but I would almost always save a person before saving an animal.
kaikaikaikaikai 10 años, 7 meses atrás
What is a person, but an animal? And why can't an animal be a person?
user47949 10 años, 11 meses atrás
You're an idiot.

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