Doctor Who vs. Doc Brown - Epic Rap Battles of History

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Actually, if you don't mind it's just the Doctor. Doesn't really matter who, who am I even talking to, oh yes, you. The wannabe Einstein minus the stache, travels through time but with no class. I'm saving the world while you dilly dally. You can't even invent a way out of Hill Valley.

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mothertrucker 8 años atrás
Oh, calm down will you? Everything is gonna be fine. You're not gonna tear any wonky holes in the fabric of space and time. ;)
dvorakdan 8 años, 5 meses atrás
Ha, I looked up the youtube video this is from (or in), it is some hilarious stuff, along with many other rap battles of history.
alyssumflower 9 años, 4 meses atrás
Bahahahaha. This is awesome.
cbece4374 10 años, 7 meses atrás
Doctor who is not this definition!

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