D. Gray-man - Lenalee Lee

This quote fue agregado por kaliwiser
To me, the world is not only the shape on the map. On the battlefield, all I see are the face of the order and my friends... I am an awful person aren't I? Instead of the real world, all I care for is my friends. That's because they are my whole world; if just one of my friends dies, to me, it's the same thing as a part of the world being destroyed.

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caravagio 11 años, 6 meses atrás
Terrible quote, awful punctuation, and loads of the 'I' words were lower case. This should be removed, it is no help in improving typing skills especially having .............. everywhere. If you haven't seen these mistakes here is one of the worst sentences:
'.... if just one of my friend dies, To me, it's'
Thank You

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