Finding Oneself - JCamp

This quote fue agregado por jcamp
How does one go about finding oneself? I have been on a two year soul-searching journey and I have not found anything new that I already didn't know. I am going back on this cycle because I do not know where, when, or how to get off. I didn't realize how lost in life I am until it was brought to my attention. I have options, but too many and I don't know which one would be the best for me. I am going back to what I know.

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dvorakdan 8 años, 4 meses atrás
Couldn't you have just posted this pointless navel gazing ramble on facebook instead? Quotes should really have a point. Going back to having no clue doesn't seem like a point to me.
amcp1207 11 años, 6 meses atrás
"too many", not "to many"

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