Make a New Friend Everyday - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

This quote fue agregado por user12178
We need to live in the space of friendliness. Just walk into a classroom and ask the kids, "How many friends do you have?" We have to educate our children to be friendly. This is the way to end aggression. Give them a commitment to make one new friend every day, and you will see how their whole attitude changes.

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kaikaikaikai 10 años, 2 meses atrás
I don't think you should sacrifice honesty for the sake of friendlyness. Superficial niceties and shallow relationships is what will ensue if you count quantity over quality when it comes to friends.

I believe this is all part of the femininization of our society. Women try to be friends with everyone. Men need enemies to grow, because only opposition will teach you the resolve needed to be true to your principles in any situation.

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