Easy quotes - Unknown

This quote fue agregado por vyrthur
It is assumed that people spend a lot of time trying to make easy quotes only to make the tests easier. All you need to do is make a quote that is not too long or too short, that flows together.

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dvorakdan 7 años, 7 meses atrás
too short, lacks flow, too many q's. Despite that (or, with the shortness, because of it), I typed well over average on this one.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

Score (PPM) la distribución de esta cita. Más.

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user491757 145.12 99.5%
synnekorino 141.02 97.5%
ksahn81x7 140.22 100%
user47730 135.53 100%

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