Practice Typing - member

This quote fue agregado por anitachawk
Try to type without looking at the keyboard. Get a feel for the keys. Keep practicing and you will eventually be able to type words with letters that might have been difficult for you to reach like: lazy, entity, business, accommodate, aqua, and fox.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user871724 165.39 94.3%
wolfram 138.37 95.8%
samuraininja 133.58 96.9%
isaac840 131.46 95.8%
ilovejujubee 128.50 96.9%
copayne 126.86 97.7%
poshy 125.50 98.0%
lytewerk 125.46 96.9%
xmaddockmark 124.11 96.5%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
user660825 85.23 95.4%
user108126 38.77 88.1%
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tengugod 51.94 89.3%
acer1976 49.61 87.1%
mentalist 115.05 98.8%
user106803 42.33 85.1%
sstruck007 105.12 99.2%