Singing Class - Everybody

This quote fue agregado por lydla
Jake is a cat. He is a very good cat. He wipes his face after he eats. Tessa is the world and the world is Tessa. Como te llamas? Yo yo ma. Banana. What is the meaning of life? It is waffles. Shiann's left shoe cannot comprehend the majestic-ness of life.

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teilo 10 años, 11 meses atrás
Please don't make up quotes. It is not clever. It is annoying.
ericgiggler 11 años, 3 meses atrás
Jake is a cat. He is a very good cat. He witps his face after he eats. Tessa is the world and the world is Tessa. Como te llamas? Yo yo ma. Manana. What is the meaning of life? It si waffles. Shiann's left shoe cannot comprehend the majestic-ness of life.

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user964 83.95 98.0%

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