
This quote fue agregado por lakshmiiiiii
The reason why I write this thing is so simple which anyone could guess. I had just started trying this typing test (which is very nice). But however I tried to improve my typing speed, it doesn't go more than 38 words per minute. So I understood that I could make a smile on a face seeing the top ratings of my quotes.... Please rate it!

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2.1 out of 5 based on 16 ratings.

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gorgonian 10 años, 10 meses atrás
There is a typo (an extra space before the end of the sentence, after the word 'guess'.
lakshmiiiiii 11 años, 2 meses atrás
This was not copied from any sites as some of you commented, I wrote it my own. Maybe someone else has also written this, but I didn't copy it from any place.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
eventlogging 170.00 100%
afbwelter 101.87 97.9%
caceberos 99.65 98.8%
prodigy5723 94.22 99.1%
user47620 72.08 99.1%
user105219 71.45 95.8%
typinglindsey 68.51 96.3%
snowcoder0755 67.33 97.3%
user46537 67.27 97.6%
donoshea 66.70 89.4%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
user109487 48.75 95.5%
user105219 71.45 95.8%
typinglindsey 68.51 96.3%
donoshea 66.70 89.4%
user468593 65.36 94.2%
tsquared76 61.84 90.6%
user549935 51.01 94.7%
user390874 49.09 93.9%