speed typing test wpm

Kurt Vonnegut

This speed typing test wpm fue agregado por marc3
Well, the telling of jokes is an art of its own, and it always rises from some emotional threat. The best jokes are dangerous, and dangerous because they are in some way truthful.

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fairyflies 12 años, 8 meses atrás
Good quote :0 ) I like it!

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

Score (PPM) la distribución de esta cita. Más.

Mejores puntajes para este speed typing test wpm

Nombre PPM Precisión
eventlogging 170.00 100%
lolololpie 140.85 99.4%
markmillermizzou33 137.00 100%
sokend 136.32 99.4%
andrbroo1 136.12 99.4%
ilovejujubee 134.94 100%
user67 131.80 99.4%
cerebralstud 131.44 100%
user491757 131.20 97.8%
ivyswagdistrict 130.94 100%

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user366833 82.09 93.7%
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kaylaleighhay 95.35 99.4%
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rumi_25 65.63 94.8%
omgwill 51.18 91.8%
maadj 67.71 91.3%
noobplayer 105.53 97.3%