Me - Abrhm liocll

This quote fue agregado por thecreperhead
About a day in the sun but in the sun has sun over sun at the evening sun can be a sun of ice of melt of dice of anything can be done by the sun is the sun it self.

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Nombre PPM Precisión
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user40438 126.55 97.0%
afbwelter 122.30 94.3%
jaesynn 119.57 98.2%
briansiu 116.36 98.2%
aurumaquila 114.31 99.4%
malevolarky 113.92 100%
vmlm 106.12 98.8%
zbm2 106.05 100%
rosemarybianchi 106.02 99.4%

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
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user27160 59.78 95.4%
user55044 30.31 96.5%
rosita1254 82.52 96.5%
golden_scoprion 97.53 98.8%
jxa10825 24.70 100%