Sons and Lovers - D.H. Lawrence

This quote fue agregado por malevolarky
Mrs. Morel lay in bed, listening to the rain, and the feet of the colliers from Minton, their voices, and the bang, bang of the gates as they went through the stile up the field.

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user45644 10 años, 12 meses atrás
Mrs. Morel lieng in bed, listening to the rain, and the feet of the colliers from Minto, their voices, and tha bang, bang of the gates as they went through the stile up the field.
user45644 10 años, 12 meses atrás
Nir, Nirek lieing in bed, listening to the rain, and the feet of the colliers from Minton, their voices, and the bang, bang of the gates as the went through the stile up the field.

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