God Created Man - unknown / Bible

This quote fue agregado por margaret419
God does not depend upon man for proof of his own existence. Man may turn to science to look for his answer as to how God accomplished creation, but God does not need man's evidence to prove himself.

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maartenfb 10 años, 7 meses atrás
religion = ignorance
teilo 10 años, 8 meses atrás
Yes, vmlm, but it is shocking how many people who believe in God think that God is whatever they want him to be. To me this says they don't really think that he is real at all.
vmlm 11 años atrás
Given the vast expanse of the universe, somewhere out there theres likely to be a unicorn. That unicorn exists independently of what I think. I believe in that unicorn.

Whether that unicorn is anything like the idea in my head, is a whole different matter.

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