School - Kim Reed

This quote fue agregado por blackbeltkim11
When people are at school they tend to be more outcasted. They seem to be more mean and rude. I think that maybe if kids acted like that at home, their parents would realize who they are raising. Is it just me?

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dvorakdan 8 años, 6 meses atrás
I knew this was a user made quote. More should follow outcasted, if you mean what I think you mean, not precede it. They tend to be outcasted more (often). Putting it in front reads like outcasted to a greater quantity of outcastedness. Also it seems as though you are saying that the same people are both treated worse and treat people worse, that seems a bit unlikely, not everyone can be an outcast, there has to be a group from which to be cast out.
teilo 11 años, 1 mes atrás
"outcasted" is not a word
wally77 11 años, 4 meses atrás
Original quote was L think, now changed

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