Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)

This quote fue agregado por malevolarky
I have found that when a man reaches the advanced age of seventy-one years, as I have, the continual sight of dark clothing is likely to have a depressing effect upon him. Light colored clothing is more pleasing to the eye and enlivens the spirit. Now, of course, I cannot compel everyone to wear such clothing just for my special benefit, so I do the next best thing and wear it myself.

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magellan 7 años atrás
I tend to kind of favor the antiquated spellings. They force you to pay close attention to what you're typing. And they're interesting.
malevolarky 10 años, 10 meses atrás
It was "especial" in the original source, so I kept it that way. I think that was the standard spelling at that time. Given that no one uses that spelling anymore, I agree with your edit.
gorgonian 10 años, 10 meses atrás
I didn't know if 'especial' was supposed to be 'special'. I don't think Mark Twain was Hispanic...
I also don't know if the (-) hyphen? was part of the original quote or not, it doesn't look right. (The 'Light - colored')

Otherwise, I love Mark Twain, so of course I think it's a great quote.

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