Heart Touching story - Sribastab Mahapatra

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Heart Touching Story Son: Mom! Mom, why R u crying? Mom: It's nothing child. Son: Mom! Mom! Mom, Why r u crying? Mom: It's nothing baby. He looks in Mom's Purse and find a letter from the Doctor saying that she has Cancer and Only has a few days to Live. Next day on the NEWS It says: They found a baby Dead left with a note saying "Mom I killed myself I'll be waiting for you in Heaven" I love u mom.

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malevolarky 10 años, 8 meses atrás
Drat - already used mine. I believe the threshold is 2.3, and above that each quote has an equivalent expected frequency.
gedeon 10 años, 8 meses atrás
What a terrible quote! if someone passes by, please downvote!

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yurisedyakin 41.03 96.8%
anvari1526 23.20 95.3%
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