Response to My Critics - Meera Nanda

This quote fue agregado por malevolarky
These postmodernist prophets insist that a critique of oppression must include a critique of modernity, especially modern science which they have come to see as a bastion of Eurocentrism and patriarchy. They believe that non-modern traditions, especially the traditions of non-Western societies colonized by the West, can provide them with less alienated and less reductionist models for conducting scientific inquiry into nature.

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mmjepxvh 9 años, 3 meses atrás
This is a good, long, and moderately challenging passage of conventional academic English without too many unfamiliar words or unusual punctuation or grammatical constructions. For my purposes, I think it serves pretty well as a measure of real-world performance.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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