Maximum Ride - The Final Warning - James Patterson

This quote fue agregado por briansiu
Flying in the high winds can be the most exhilarating thing in the world. You just put your wings fully out and coast, doing micro-adjustments as needed to stay aloft. It's a lot like surfing at the beach, riding the waves, except, you know, without the water. Or the beach. Or the surfboard.

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bvw 5 años, 11 meses atrás
From a fantasy novel, but also like the experience of a parachutist, a hand-glider, or a perosn glide pathing down using one of thos efancy aerodynamic wined-suits. Because it is a fantasy there is a key piece of emotion missing! Which emotion? Fear! No slack thing is it to be ignored. Make the most radical move on a surfboard in a fit of bold or reckless endeavor and one does not forfeit with brutal certainty one's life, but in the air: a not so reckless moment of inattention or carelessness will mean a death brutal and certain. This is not a fear which is a senseless fear, this is a senseful fear!

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