On Paul Walker - Vin Diesel

This quote fue agregado por thelaytshow
When I heard, I immediately flew back to California, and went directly from the plane to his mother's house. I thought they needed my strength, but realized when I got there and broke down before his family, that it was I who needed theirs. His mother hugged me and said, "I am so sorry." I said, "Sorry? You're the mother who lost a son." She said, "Yes, but you lost your other half."

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brisasfrias2 6 años, 5 meses atrás
first time I stumble upon this quote, I didn't even realized It was the words of paul walkers mother, until the last part where she told him "I am so sorry." I said, "Sorry? You're the mother who lost a son." She said, "Yes, but you lost your other half."

dam...I literally cried
awesome quote

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