
This quote fue agregado por janei
It doesn't feel real that I can type this fast. When I practice with the tests, there is a highlight on the word I was typing, and it moves slower than the actual speed of your type. It surely helps with identifying the word you are typing, and I thank this website for improving my performance.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
user491757 138.94 99.3%
strikeemblem 115.18 96.4%
geryjs 107.94 94.6%
cloudrunner01 97.01 99.7%
rkoh 86.87 93.7%
user440868 81.06 92.5%
sophkel 78.89 91.3%
engl3king06 77.24 93.1%
user71766 76.48 95.8%
ccr712 71.22 97.4%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
engl3king06 77.24 93.1%
geryjs 107.94 94.6%
user491757 138.94 99.3%
user514706 51.29 84.9%
user440868 81.06 92.5%
cloudrunner01 97.01 99.7%
mooooooon 71.06 92.5%
user71766 76.48 95.8%