
This quote fue agregado por ychung0404
I want you to know that I appreciate you more than you think I do. You are trying so hard and doing so much to succeed in life and I applaud you for your effort.

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user525142 6 años, 1 mes atrás
I want to improve my speed more than 100 with accuracy

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user871724 179.27 97.0%
u557051 156.46 98.8%
xenaphobiia 143.01 100%
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vmlm 142.36 99.4%
ksnapp87 134.89 98.8%
user67455 134.67 97.0%
neopergoss 133.73 100%
jeffreyder 133.63 100%
lytewerk 132.19 100%

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mike7lap 40.13 100%
flajoy 63.52 97.6%
maadj 62.43 88.0%