Recent comments


jrmquitless 2 months, 4 weeks ago
"qwerty" is, ironically, rather difficult to type in Dvorak...

Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

user408294 2 months, 4 weeks ago
Jeg får feil ved "k" i ", ​​kjent tap" selv om jeg skriver rett!

Bebe Kuhlet

simplysam_03 2 months, 4 weeks ago
I don't think it matters if you are homeless or not. I think the reality that cancer causing products, air quality, foods, etc. are ingested no matter what your status is. Celebrities', billionaires, babies, doctors, scientists, athletes...everyone get's cancer.

Serhii Cho

zalyx 3 months ago
my music is on almost every second of the day lol

Billie Eilish

tempanite 3 months ago
I wrote the same thing twice: this quote. It turns out, I had the same accuracy. That's evidence.


frostmore52 3 months ago
least deranged keyhero user


guya 3 months ago
It's about trying in order to succeed, and not just for perfunctorily.

Alan Menken

drtyrant 3 months ago
Easy peasy, just have a mansion and servants!


ben.tomo.132 3 months ago
Oh, I see. You're learning English as a second language! Keep it up! You'll get there.


marchtoglory 3 months ago
What is the difference between me and a robot that is designed to imitate me? Nothing, except I can exist, and the robot could only ever work as an imaginative construct, which makes me superior.

Simon Day

milli 3 months ago
thanks i got my highscore because of this quote :) (^_^)


milli 3 months ago


wunnie 3 months, 1 week ago
delete this what teh sigma does it even mean


chemkneazle 3 months, 1 week ago
Please delete this. How did this get through review?


ben.tomo.132 3 months, 1 week ago
Learn, how, to, use, commas! ,,,,,


chenille 3 months, 1 week ago
This is literally a quote from a short story about someone who commits crimes using props.


minnie_07 3 months, 2 weeks ago
You are the sunlight that rose again in my life. A reincarnation of my childhood dreams. I don't know what this emotion is, if this place is also inside a dream. This dream is a blue mirage in the desert, a priori deep inside of me. I'm so happy, I can't breathe. My surroundings are getting more and more transparent. I hear the far-away ocean across the dream, over the horizon. I'm going to the place that's getting clearer. Take my hands now. You are the cause of my euphoria.


hiramisu 3 months, 2 weeks ago
You've perfectly described the word 'sonder' - the profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passed in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it.

Icy L.T.

queenrita124 3 months, 2 weeks ago
How can one say "Live, laugh, and love" then immediately follow with "Be different"? That phrase is copy and pasted everywhere lol


user381380 3 months, 2 weeks ago
bruisedhedonist, periods are supposed to be in quotations.