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Serita McKenzie
it was good

Suzanne Collins
thank you

I appreciate the honesty :)

Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …

Curtis Baldwin
heh heh


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excerpt from Grand Theft Auto III Mission Brief
The cartels has got bottomless funds from pushing that spank crap. If we make an open attack on them, they'll wipe the floor with us. They must be making spank on that big boat that Curly lead you to. So we gotta use our head, or rather one head. Your head. I'm asking you to destroy that spank factory as a personal favor to me, Salvatore Leone. If you do this for me, you will be a made man, anything you want.

ESPN Anchor Gary Miller - Excerpt: Those Guys Have All The Fun, Inside ...ESPN
Dan and I used to have fart wars upstairs. We'd type in our little cubicles, then go down to the newsroom and battle. I actually did it to him once on the set, but normally I didn't engage him because he was deadly. I was more about sound. He was more about fury.

from The Spy who S)#*%ed Me - Fat Man from Austin Powers
Mister English Colonel tellin me to lose weight. Oh, I'm a hard case he says. Well, listen up, sonny Jim. I ate a baby. Oh, aye. Baby: the other, other white meat. Baby: it's what's for dinner.

From Grand Theft Auto III - Intro Part 2 Cutscene Script LOVE Radio News - From Grand Theft Auto III
Some of the convicts are thought to have perished in the explosion that followed the initial attack. Revelations as to the professionalism of the attack struck police hours afterward when identification of the missing felons were further hampered by an attack by computer hackers on police headquarter databases. With the Porter Tunnel project falling behind schedule, this disaster leaves Portland isolated from the rest of the city.

From Grand Theft Auto III - Intro Cutscene Script from LOVE Radio News
Liberty City is in shock today as the police and emergency services deal with the aftermath of a devastating attack on a police convoy this morning. The convoy left police headquarters early this morning for a routine transfer of felons to Liberty Penitentiary. The attack took place on the Callahan Bridge leaving few witnesses and the bridge itself significantly damaged.

Jerry Springer at end of The Spy Who Sh@gged Me - Final Thought Re: Scott Evil and Frau Farbissina
You know, what did we learn here today? Perhaps it's that no one can take your mojo. You can look around all you want, but what you're really trying to find is on the inside. Take care of yourself and each other.

Dick Clark Productions' Greed
From Los Angeles, it's the biggest game show in television history. Where one person, in one night, could walk away with two million dollars. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Greed.

Ingame Text, Final Fantasy X - Sphere Grid Tutorial
A character must be on or adjacent to a node in order to activate it. To activate nodes, you must use spheres. Spheres and sphere levels are gained by getting ability points which are obtained by participating in battles. If you want to activate nodes you passed over, you must spend sphere levels to go back. When you're retracing your steps, you can move 4 steps by spending 1 sphere level. However, backtracking is not very cost-efficient, so plan ahead to avoid wasting sphere levels.

ingame text Final Fantasy VII - Materia Tutorial Advanced
There's just one thing you have to be careful of. Whenever you equip materia your situation changes. Parts of you may become stronger while others get weaker. Normally, when you equip magic materia, your magic power will get stronger but your physical strength weakens. So, materia is kind of a double-edged sword. It's wise not to overuse magic materia. But try out various things. Push the cancel button to exit menu.

Ingame Text, Final Fantasy VII - Materia Tutorial
Sure, I'll explain how materia works. First, access the menu. Select Materia. Now look at my weapon here. Each weapon and armor has slots in it. Choose which slot you want to put materia in. Now select the materia you want to use. This is curative materia. If you want to know what its effects are, line the cursor up with Check and push OK. And that's all there is to equipping materia. See? It wasn't that tough.

Cid Highwind Quote from Final Fantasy VII ff7
I always thought this planet was so huge. But lookin' at it from space, I realized it's so small. We're just floatin' in the dark... kinda makes you feel powerless. On top of that it's got Sephiroth festerin' inside it like a sickness. That's why I say this planet's still a kid. A little kid sick and trembling in the middle of this huge universe. Someone's gotta protect it. Ya follow me? That someone is us.

Cait Sith Quote from Final Fantasy VII / ff7
But we're not entirely enemies. Something bothers me. I think it's your way of life. You don't get paid. You don't get praised. Yet, you still risk your lives and continue on your journey. Seeing that makes me... it just makes me think about my life. I don't think I'd feel too good if things ended the way they are now.

Muhammad Shahid Nazir - one pound fish pitch
Come on ladies come on ladies one pound fish come on ladies come on ladies one pound fish one pound fish have a have a look one pound fish have a have a look one pound fish very very good one pound fish very very cheap one pound fish very very good and very very cheap very very good and very very cheap six for five pound one pound each six for five pound one pound each come on ladies come on ladies.

Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich
And, should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice: We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. We're going to live on. We're going to survive. Today, we celebrate our Independence Day.

An old Cherokee told his grandson, "My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth." The boy thought about it, and asked, "Grandfather, which wolf wins?" The old man quietly replied, "The one you feed."

Kenny Mayne & ESPN - 2012 Palio Di Siena
Three days before the race, each neighborhood marches to the Piazza del Campo, where the luck of the draw determines who gets Secretariat and who ends up with a nag from the pool of 10 mixed-breed horses provided free by local stables. Our friends from the Unicorn neighborhood land an inferior horse named Nobile Nilo, which translates roughly to "We have no shot at winning." After feckless performances in the six trial races, his nickname among the people of the contrada is Immobile Nilo.

Mike Breen - NBA Malice in the Palace Retrospective
There was this one young woman who was very nicely dressed in the midst of it. I remember thinking, oh, this poor woman, I hope she's going to be ok. And as I'm saying that in my head, she pulls out a bottle, a full water bottle, and throws it at pointblank range at the Pacers going off the floor. I couldn't believe it. Even this nicely dressed woman who seemed so out of place in the mob, she just got sucked into the whole mob mentality and it showed you how scary it could be.

ESPN Cricinfo - Facebook Note: The End of Ceefax
Before Cricinfo, Ceefax was the cricket tragic's faithful and invaluable servant. In fact, many England cricketers in the 1990s learnt their fate by tuning into page 340. It closes tonight, 23 October 2012, for good. Farewell, old friend.

Ben Swann - Facebook Note Third Party Presidential Voting
I think the claim that voting for an alternative candidate, like Ron Paul, is actually a vote for Obama, is simply not true. A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Gary Johnson, a vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Jill Stein. Voting isn't about picking the winner. It is about casting a vote for the person you believe is the best to lead our nation. To say otherwise means that you believe that a vote against a candidate is more legitimate than a vote for a candidate. Welcome to Upside down town.