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Jordan B. Peterson
What stands out to me the most, every time I come across a JP quote, …

Anyone want to circle back to this now? I still look back an cannot believe …

Unknown Me
Just what in the world is that last punctuation!?!?

Wait... what??

Malcolm X
I don't think there's any hate in this quote at all. He's simply making the …


baalsboobablade's quotes

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If you ever come to the point where it is either ending your life or ruining it. Tear it to the ground. Burn it down to the bones. Because you deserve to be happy. I beg you to never reach the place where you see death as the only option, because in truth it is not. It is the easier option. I know that it is hard, but it is so, so worth it. You're worth it.

Tomorrow x Together - Eternally
My heart sank into a maze of memories, the deepest part of the eternal dream. Fragmented world, I want to end this world. I opened my eyes saw, that night, a nightmarish dance, an endless rhythm. This darkness swallowed my scream, growing the gap between you and me. My heart sinks in the maze of memories, the deepest part of the eternal dream.