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Jarod Kintz
Imma do both just in case.

a casual observer
Exactly! The edit function is there for a reason, so that we can improve other …

Serena Federer
What does this even mean????

Keyhero User
So, do you want to wear shoes years later?

Alan Watts
never stop learning


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Brian Finch - How to write a business plan
The summary is written last although it goes at the beginning of your plan. It is the most important part of your plan. In this one page you must sell your idea. Your audience must be sufficiently interested to read the rest of your document. In your summary you must explain yourself, your team and your background, what your business is, what is exciting about the proposal, why it will succeed, what you want them to do - to invest how much, when - and what their reward will be.

Brian Finch - How to write a business plan
You have a few seconds to grab your readers' attention and get them interested in your proposal. Your readers are busy, they have a dozen phone calls to make, some of which will lead on to other calls, ten e-mails to send, a couple of letters, two meetings and then a lunch appointment, a meeting after lunch, and their child's school concert this evening.

Eli Pariser - Filter Bubble
Your filter bubble is your own personal, unique universe of information that you live in online. What's in your filter bubble depends on who you are, and it depends on what you do. But you don't decide what gets in - and more importantly, you don't see what gets edited out.

Charles Dickens
In mind, she was of a strong and vigorous turn, having from her earliest youth devoted herself with uncommon ardour to the study of the law; not wasting her speculations upon its eagle flights, which are rare, but tracing it attentively through all the slippery and eel-like crawlings in which it commonly pursues its way.