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These generic motivational quotes are tiresome. People have been talking for centuries about the power …

Jabari Jerome-Jones
I think this is solid.

Sam L
This wasn't really that hard dude

Jabari Jerome-Jones
This quote really sucks, I have no idea what possessed me to write this years …

Isaac Asimov
But it's never "me" or "my like" of course :)


gnocturnal's quotes

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movie - 300
There will be no glory in your sacrifice. I will erase even the memory of Sparta from the histories! Every piece of Greek parchment shall be burned. Every Greek historian, and every scribe shall have their eyes pulled out, and their tongues cut from their mouths. Why, uttering the very name of Sparta, or Leonidas, will be punishable by death! The world will never know you existed at all!