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Jordan B. Peterson
What stands out to me the most, every time I come across a JP quote, …

Anyone want to circle back to this now? I still look back an cannot believe …

Unknown Me
Just what in the world is that last punctuation!?!?

Wait... what??

Malcolm X
I don't think there's any hate in this quote at all. He's simply making the …


hetherington's quotes

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Lisa Hetherington - Love
When you walk in the room, my heart goes boom. A smile spreads across my face, as I feel such grace. As your hands reach out to mine, I feel our hearts combine. If you look deep inside, I think you will find, you are the only one that possesses my mind.

Lisa Hetherington - A country Girl
She wakes early in the morning. She eats breakfast, puts on her boots and heads out the door before the sun has even risen. The horse is fresh and frisky, she saddles her beauty. Come on girl, time to get in the cattle and do some branding. She is a country girl.