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jgdude's quotes

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Jeremiah S. - Excerpt from the death of a friendship
However much you may try, once your hand is shown, a bluff becomes a near impossibility. I know you wish ill upon me. You want me rotting in a cell made of my own insecurities. There is so much vile hatred that comes from you, that I know a blatant attack on you will only make the phantom villain you've made of me a reality. I only hold back from retribution, not because I have concern left for your well-being, but because it is against my character to spill hatred from your wounds.

Jeremiah S. - Comments and Upvotes
Did you know that you can click on the title of a quote you're typing, and actually comment on it? For the longest time on this website, I didn't know that. You can also, if you liked the quote, go to the user and find other ones that they've contributed. There's a lot more interaction than you might expect at first glance. Give it a shot!

Jeremiah S. - Segments
You now and you 10 seconds ago share lots of things, like body, location, certain impulses from hunger or the senses, but most importantly a shared history. Our stream of consciousness isn't built from one long string of thinking, but many connected but dissectable instances, each one a new person born from the contributions of the last "person" to inhabit this body. In essence, you are many people. When you live in the moment, you accept and live fully for your 10 seconds of fame.

Jeremiah S. - Short Quotes
You know, if those who claim to want to give you a short quote stopped patting themselves on the back, they could make even shorter quotes. Just type and enjoy the quotes you do, stop flooding the quote pool complaining.

BoJack Horseman - Nails deep.
Nobody completes anybody. That's not a real thing. If you're lucky enough to find somebody you can halfway tolerate, you sink your nails in, and you don't let go!

Jeremiah S. - Unconditional acts of kindness
It is the choice to stay silent when yelling back would feel so much better. Taking the garbage out so your sibling can get extra sleep. Giving a tip when no one is looking. It is those things that you do for others without begging for recognition that are truly for others.

Jeremiah S. - Regret Pt.2
Regret about mistakes, while not pointless, should be aimed at improvement rather than self-punishment. If you managed to make a mistake, then recognize what caused you to make that mistake. If it's something immutable or something you don't want to let go of, find other solutions. If it's easily changeable or desirable to change, do it. Be careful with what you consider immutable though, but if you do, then do not regret the immutable. Those "mistakes" simply exist, and are not inherently bad.

Jeremiah S. - In response to the college individual
There was a quote talking about how college has been miserable. This may seem like quite simple, obvious advice, but finding a group or extra curricular groups to engage in gives that extra meaning to college. Told to me by someone that I respect, "College, while being a place to learn, is most importantly a place to meet people of similar interests to you." Another point of view if you're hating college thus far.

Jeremiah S. - Regret
Until we create a time machine to stop ourselves from dropping our phones off the pier, regret and putting yourself down for past mistakes is pointless. Use past mistakes and would be regrets as a stepping stone to making less mistakes in the future. We learn from mistakes. Use your mistakes, and be thankful for them. Because without them you wouldn't outgrow them.

Jeremiah S. - Punishment
Why are we so insistent on punishment? If we are to take punishment and give it a good faith interpretation, it is a chance for people to change their actions. Take a look at what they have done, and realize they are being punished because what they did was wrong. But this system doesn't work. We shouldn't punish because rehabilitation doesn't work that way. Punishment in the sense that I see it, is a way to immaturely feel better about yourself.

Jeremiah S. - Short words
Now I hate it when people attack longer quotes, because they completely misunderstand the idea of this website. On the other hand though, if people hated on quotes that used long, extensive words that naturally inflate words per minute and make it much harder to type since those are words you don't generally type; I understand that far better. Although I still think that challenging yourself and making harder quotes is the only way to improve.

Jeremiah S. - Short Quote Quotes
I really dislike the disdain people have for short quotes, mainly because I go to this site to see how well I can type for decent amounts of time and genuinely want to speed up my typing by challenging myself while typing. I don't see a point for desiring short quotes unless you want to artificially inflate your WPM, or you want to trick yourself into thinking your WPM is faster than it is. Considering that, I vow for there to be no more short quotes.

Jeremiah S. - The most important takeaway...
If something makes you question and reconsider the natural things you do in your life, it's accomplished the best thing it could. It doesn't matter whether it carries across what it wanted to teach you; if you're now more curious after the fact, and LESS sure about your positions, it has accomplished the most important thing it can. The more open your mind is, the stronger now is your ability to notice ignorance - in yourself or in others.

Jeremiah S. - How to love yourself.
If you are to love someone, you must also love yourself. If you are properly loving someone else, you will end a relationship where you are encroaching on their lives and making their lives worse. The same is true the other way around. You have a responsibility to love yourself and end relationships that make your life worse as well. If someone else that you love is hurting you, you are breaking a promise to yourself, and loving them from a distance is the only way to keep both promises.

Jeremiah S. - Love isn't natural
We all have our own connotations of love. I've just dusted off my soapbox; keep your writing utensils out. Love, as I've found it, isn't something that we can naturally arrive at. Love is a promise to a person (or thing) that you will care for them to have the best life they can. This is a decision you need to make at some point in your life for everyone that is in your life. There is only one person you MUST make this promise to in your life; this person is yourself.

Jeremiah S. - Villains make the best heroes
I just read a quote saying that heroes are the ones who never give up. Above all else, heroes have the determination to keep going. But this can also be applied to the best villains. Determination makes no hero, it only makes a productive person. The end goal is what makes a hero. Determination may make a good hero, sure. But determination also makes a good villain. Take note of your motivations so you don't become the villain instead.

Jeremiah S. - A quote about a quote
So there's a quote I get every once in a while that I find kind of foolish. Not because the person behind the quote is a fool, but that it directly contradicts itself. It's a quote that says something along the lines of "The people on this website can be so mean, stop telling people what to do and what to write, and people all have their own opinions." The idea behind what this person said is just as restricting as the people they are trying to condemn in the first place.

Jeremiah S. - The heat following the flame
There just so happens to be a fire chasing every one of us. This fire is terrifying, and consuming everything we throw at it to try and suppress it. All of our books, and water, and food, and clothes, and dignities, and personalities, and lives. To outlive the fire, it's best not to throw everything at it. Instead hold on to what we hold dear and makes us who we are, and this fire will not consume us. And only then can we appreciate the fire for what it is, and feed it accordingly.

Jeremiah S. - The Other Half
There's too many motivational quotes that don't tell you the whole picture, and without the whole picture are useless. What I haven't realized is that out there some people have some of the picture, waiting for the rest of it to be drawn in their heads. There's another quote out there ready to match with mine too, now it's just a matter of drawing it myself or finding someone else with my missing other half.