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Serhii Cho
my music is on almost every second of the day lol

Billie Eilish
I wrote the same thing twice: this quote. It turns out, I had the same …

least deranged keyhero user

It's about trying in order to succeed, and not just for perfunctorily.

Alan Menken
Easy peasy, just have a mansion and servants!


lizandavid's quotes

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Lizzie - Compromise
My husband has the disgusting habit of picking his teeth in bed. I wake up in the morning with toothpicks in my hair. It drives me crazy. So, I thought why not offer a compromise? If I promise not to fart in bed (at least when I'm awake), can he promise not to pick his teeth? I think this might do the trick!

Lizzie - A Quote by Sherman Alexie
"When you resort to violence to prove a point, you've just experienced a profound failure of imagination." Any dull-witted baboon can resort to violence at the drop of a hat. Don't be a dull-witted baboon.