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Jordan B. Peterson
What stands out to me the most, every time I come across a JP quote, …

Anyone want to circle back to this now? I still look back an cannot believe …

Unknown Me
Just what in the world is that last punctuation!?!?

Wait... what??

Malcolm X
I don't think there's any hate in this quote at all. He's simply making the …


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Danusha Lameris - Feeding the Worms
I'd always thought theirs a menial life, eyeless and hidden, almost vulgar - though now, it seems, they bear a pleasure so sublime, so decadent, I want to contribute however I can, forgetting, a moment, my place on the menu.

Richard Siken - Little Beast
The radio aches a little tune that tells the story of what the night is thinking. It's thinking of love. It's thinking of stabbing us to death and leaving our bodies in a dumpster. That's a nice touch, stains in the night, whiskey and kisses for everyone.