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Einstein no ganó el premio Nobel por la teoría de la relatividad, fué por el …

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Anxiety can be as stifling as a broken leg. However, all things being equal, a …

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J. K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry shook his head, which noted that the pain in the right temple was getting worse. He thought of the huge composition on the wars of the giants and the pain atingio him tightly. Knowing full well that morning regret not having done their homework that night, returned to stacking books in bag.

J. K. Rowling - Harry Potter e a Ordem da Fénix
Harry abanou a cabeça, o que fez notar que a dor na têmpora direita estava a piorar. Pensou na enorme composição sobre as guerras dos gigantes e a dor atingio-o com força. Sabendo perfeitamente que de manhã se arrependeria de não ter terminado os trabalhos de casa nessa noite, voltou a empilhar os livros na saca.