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Carl Sagan
It was a nice content

Amelia Pond
This was a great quote

A. Anon
This, sir, is an outrage!

Thanks for the near-PB I guess...? :D

If one only wished to be happy,this could easily accomplished;but we wish to be happier …


user100749's quotes

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Movie Quote - One Day - Emma Morley
I was actually quite gorgeous in my twenties, though I didn't appreciate it at the time. I did. Sometimes you did... Sometimes you didn't. It won't always be like this. Why wouldn't it? What's going to change it?... Time. Time? No, thats... thats... I can really feel the clouds parting, Em. Yeah, you're funny.

Movie Quote - I was quite gorgeous - Emma Morley (One Day)
I was quite gorgeous in my twenties. Although I didn't appreciate it at the time... I did... Sometimes you did. Sometimes you didn't... You know it won't be like this all the time... Why wouldn't it? What's going to change it? I don't know, time I guess.