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Allen Downey
Eco friendly wood veneers?

Kenzie Sauer
A fundamental misunderstanding of depression.

Brenda Shaughnessy
Well you can actually make it go slower than 1 second per second if you …

changed eve to even

Some Disney Princess
I swear, didn't that happen to the Mongolian Empire lol


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Saul Bellow - Herzog
She came from the house with the bottles and glasses on the tray - cheese, liver paste, crackers, ice, herring. She had on blue trousers and a yellow Chinese blouse, the coolie hat I bought her on Fifth Avenue. She said she was subject to sunstroke. Stepping quickly, she advanced from the shadow of the house into the sparkling grass, the cat leaping from her path, the bottles and glasses clinking. She hastened because she didn't want to miss any of the conversation.