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J.K. Rowling
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Marshall Sahlins
Altered title to reflect source of quote.

very well

Regretful Thoughts on an Anonymous Boy
Love the quote, would prefer 3 dots for elipses if you're gonna use them though. …


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Anonymous - Thoughts of a Teenager
Why is homework necessary? It barely affects your grade in the long run and is just another school related assignment that interferes with your outside life. Students should only have to work while in school and maintain a normal life outside of school. Students already have to worry about tests, projects, and community service, so why stress them out more with extra work that nobody asked for.

Anonymous - Thoughts of a Teenager
At what point does a teacher's beratement become too much for even a student to handle. It is common for teachers to dig into their students for something they did wrong, but is it all necessary. I've witnessed firsthand students that have cried in front of their teachers because of something the teacher said and it is horrifying.

Anonymous - Thoughts of a Teenager
Why, in schools, must students stand in the middle of the hallway. It is annoying and quite pointless if you ask me. Why stand in the hallway, when you can walk to your class that you have to be at or else you will be marked tardy. Pointless, annoying, and quite frankly, idiotic.

Anonymous - Thoughts of a Teenager
Sometimes, as I sit in class, I daydream. I think about all the good I could be doing if I were not in school at the moment. I think about what I could be learning instead of English or Spanish, like how to pay my taxes and how to handle a negative credit balance. I also think about the future, and how I'm seemingly trapped in a school in order to achieve "success."