
Tumbling Down by user107372

I know, I know I've let you down, I've been a fool to myself. I thought that I could live for no one else. But now, through all the hurt and pain, it's time for me to respect that the ones you love mean more than anything. So, with sadness in my heart, I feel the best thing I could do is end it all and leave forever. What's done is done, it feels so bad. What once was happy now is sad. I'll never love again; my world is ending. I wish that I could turn back time, 'cause now the guilt is all mine. Can't live without the trust from those you love. I know we can't forget the past, you can't forget love and pride. Because of that, it's killing me inside.
It all returns to nothing, it all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down. It all returns to nothing, I just keep letting me down, letting me down, letting me down. In my heart of hearts, I know that I could never love again. I've lost everything, everything, everything that matters to me, matters in this world. I wish that I could turn back time, 'cause now the guilt is all mine. Can't live without the trust from those you love. I know we can't forget the past, you can't forget love and pride. Because of that, it's killing me inside. It all returns to nothing, it just keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down. It all returns to nothing, I just keep letting me down, letting me down, letting me down. Tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down. Letting me down, letting me down, letting me down.

Евреям 11:23-40 by user73629

Верою Моисей по рождении три месяца скрываем был родителями своими, ибо видели они, что дитя прекрасно, и не устрашились царского повеления.
Верою Моисей, придя в возраст, отказался называться сыном дочери фараоновой,
и лучше захотел страдать с народом Божиим, нежели иметь временное греховное наслаждение,
и поношение Христово почел большим для себя богатством, нежели Египетские сокровища; ибо он взирал на воздаяние.
Верою оставил он Египет, не убоявшись гнева царского, ибо он, как бы видя Невидимого, был тверд.
Верою совершил он Пасху и пролитие крови, дабы истребитель первенцев не коснулся их.
Верою перешли они Чермное море, как по суше, – на что покусившись, Египтяне потонули.
Верою пали стены Иерихонские, по семидневном обхождении.
Верою Раав блудница, с миром приняв соглядатаев (и проводив их другим путем), не погибла с неверными.
И что еще скажу? Недостанет мне времени, чтобы повествовать о Гедеоне, о Вараке, о Самсоне и Иеффае, о Давиде, Самуиле и других пророках,
которые верою побеждали царства, творили правду, получали обетования, заграждали уста львов,
угашали силу огня, избегали острия меча, укреплялись от немощи, были крепки на войне, прогоняли полки чужих;
жены получали умерших своих воскресшими; иные же замучены были, не приняв освобождения, дабы получить лучшее воскресение;
другие испытали поругания и побои, а также узы и темницу,
были побиваемы камнями, перепиливаемы, подвергаемы пытке, умирали от меча, скитались в милотях и козьих кожах, терпя недостатки, скорби, озлобления;
те, которых весь мир не был достоин, скитались по пустыням и горам, по пещерам и ущельям земли.
И все сии, свидетельствованные в вере, не получили обещанного,
потому что Бог предусмотрел о нас нечто лучшее, дабы они не без нас достигли совершенства.

Acaríciame by user107372

Acaríciame en sueño, el suave murmullo de tu suspirar. ¡Cómo ríe la vida! Si tus ojos negros me quieren mirar. Y si es mío el amparo de tu risa leve que es como un cantar. Ella aquieta mi herida, todo, todo se olvida.
El día que me quieras, la rosa que engalana se vestirá de fiesta con su mejor color. Y al viento las campanas dirán que ya eres mía y locas las fontanas se contarán su amor. La noche que me quieras, desde el azul del cielo, las estrellas celosas nos mirarán pasar, y un rayo misterioso hará nido en tu pelo. Luciérnaga curiosa que verá que eres mi consuelo. Y un rayo misterioso hará nido en tu pelo. Luciérnaga curiosa que verá que eres mi consuelo.

Евреям 11 by user73629

Вера же есть осуществление ожидаемого и уверенность в невидимом.
В ней свидетельствованы древние.
Верою познаём, что веки устроены словом Божиим, так что из невидимого произошло видимое.
Верою Авель принес Богу жертву лучшую, нежели Каин; ею получил свидетельство, что он праведен, как засвидетельствовал Бог о дарах его; ею он и по смерти говорит еще.
Верою Енох переселен был так, что не видел смерти; и не стало его, потому что Бог переселил его. Ибо прежде переселения своего получил он свидетельство, что угодил Богу.
А без веры угодить Богу невозможно; ибо надобно, чтобы приходящий к Богу веровал, что Он есть, и ищущим Его воздает.
Верою Ной, получив откровение о том, что еще не было видимо, благоговея приготовил ковчег для спасения дома своего; ею осудил он весь мир, и сделался наследником праведности по вере.
Верою Авраам повиновался призванию идти в страну, которую имел получить в наследие, и пошел, не зная, куда идет.
Верою обитал он на земле обетованной, как на чужой, и жил в шатрах с Исааком и Иаковом, сонаследниками того же обетования;
ибо он ожидал города, имеющего основание, которого художник и строитель Бог.
Верою и сама Сарра будучи неплодна получила силу к принятию семени, и не по времени возраста родила, ибо знала, что верен Обещавший.
И потому от одного, и притом омертвелого, родилось так много, как много звезд на небе и как бесчислен песок на берегу морском.
Все сии умерли в вере, не получив обетований, а только издали видели оные, и радовались, и говорили о себе, что они странники и пришельцы на земле;
ибо те, которые так говорят, показывают, что они ищут отечества.
И если бы они в мыслях имели то отечество, из которого вышли, то имели бы время возвратиться;
но они стремились к лучшему, то есть к небесному; посему и Бог не стыдится их, называя Себя их Богом: ибо Он приготовил им город.
Верою Авраам, будучи искушаем, принес в жертву Исаака и, имея обетование, принес единородного,
о котором было сказано: в Исааке наречется тебе семя.
Ибо он думал, что Бог силен и из мертвых воскресить, почему и получил его в предзнаменование.
Верою в будущее Исаак благословил Иакова и Исава.
Верою Иаков, умирая, благословил каждого сына Иосифова и поклонился на верх жезла своего.
Верою Иосиф, при кончине, напоминал об исходе сынов Израилевых и завещал о костях своих.

a words by sanskriti

cab dab fab gab jab nab tab ham jam yam dam cam lap map nap rap sap tap cap gap wag bag tag rag lag mag nag sag fan man pan ran tan van can ban bar car jar far tar war bat cat hat mat pat rat sat tat.

a words by aakashd

cab bad fab gab jab jab nab tab ham jam yam dam cam lap map nap rap sap tap cap gap wag bag tag rag lag mag nag sag fan man pan ran tan van can ban bar car jar far tar war bat cat hat mat pat rat sat tat.

Test by user108115

this is a test
this is a test
this is a test

Steven Farmer by sapphire__

In a carbonyl condensation a catalytic amount of base is used to generate only a small amount of the enolate ion. Most of the carbonyl compound is unreacted and can react with the enolate. During the reaction the base catalyst is regenerated which can then produce more enolate ion and continue the cycle.

Steven Farmer by sapphire__

In a carbonyl condensation a catalytic amount of base is used to generate only a small amount of the the enolate ion. Most of the carbonyl compound is unreacted and can react with the enolate. During the reaction the base catalyst is regenerated which can then produce more enolate ion and continue the cycle.

艺术类课程重要还是基础学科重要? by toefl120

Foundational subjects like math, reading, science, and history provide students with a broad and comprehensive knowledge base, which is crucial for understanding the world around them and making informed decisions.

An understanding of history allows students to contextualize current events and recognize patterns in societal behaviors. Science teaches them about the natural world, leading to informed opinions on issues like climate change or health. Reading and math are essential for daily tasks, whether it's interpreting a news article or managing personal finances.

These core subjects often require analysis, reasoning, and problem-solving, which in turn nurture a student's ability to think critically and evaluate information.

In math, students might be given a complex problem and have to apply various formulas or concepts to find a solution. This kind of exercise teaches them not only mathematical procedures but also logical thinking and perseverance.

Beyond academic understanding, foundational subjects have real-world applications that equip students with skills essential for everyday life and various professional fields.

Learning about basic physics principles can help a student understand why their car slides on ice. Reading comprehension skills are necessary when navigating contracts, agreements, or even medicine labels. Understanding historical events and their causes can make individuals more informed voters.

While foundational subjects like math, reading, science, and history undoubtedly hone a student's analytical and critical thinking abilities, art and music engage different areas of the brain, promoting holistic cognitive development. By incorporating both analytical and creative subjects, students receive a more well-rounded education, stimulating multiple facets of their intellect.

Take, for instance, learning to play a musical instrument. This not only hones fine motor skills but also enhances memory, attention, and concentration. A study from the University of Southern California found that children who were exposed to music training showed accelerated development in areas of the brain associated with speech acquisition, reading, and sound processing.

Artistic expression provides students with an avenue to process their feelings, understand emotions, and develop empathy. Through art and music, children can convey emotions that might be challenging to articulate verbally. Moreover, by engaging with diverse artistic and musical forms from various cultures and eras, students can gain insights into different worldviews, fostering global awareness and empathy.

Reading a historical account of a war is informative, but engaging with war poetry or paintings can provide a more profound, emotional connection to the events and the people affected by them. Such engagements enable students to better understand the human impact of historical events, deepening their empathy and connection to the past.

The challenges of the future will require innovative solutions, and a foundation in creativity equips students to think outside the box. Art and music education emphasize original thinking, encouraging students to approach problems from various angles and come up with unique solutions. In a rapidly changing world, adaptability and innovative thinking are invaluable skills.

A classic example of this can be seen in the life of Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple. Jobs believed in the intersection of technology and the liberal arts. His exposure to calligraphy in college, a form of artistic expression, played a significant role in the typography and design aesthetics of Apple products. This highlights the potential of an arts-inclusive education in fostering innovation that can revolutionize industries.

In addressing the dilemma you've presented, I believe it's imperative to consider the broader goal of education. Is it merely to fill our children's minds with data and factual knowledge, or is it to cultivate holistic, well-rounded individuals prepared for the diverse challenges of life?

While I acknowledge Andrew's point on the foundational importance of subjects like math and science, I respectfully disagree with the notion of relegating artistic subjects to home environments. Schools provide structured learning, guided by trained professionals. A self-taught exploration of art and music at home, while valuable, cannot replace the depth and breadth offered by formal education in these subjects.

Kelly's stance resonates more with me. Art and music are not mere hobbies but critical channels for self-expression, emotion processing, and cognitive development. They enhance students' ability to see from different perspectives, fostering empathy, innovation, and complex problem-solving. Think of it as constructing a building - while subjects like math and science provide the foundation and framework, art and music fill in the intricate details, making the structure complete.

Furthermore, not every student's home environment is conducive to exploring arts and music. The school can be that equitable platform where every child, irrespective of their background, has an equal opportunity to engage with these subjects.

In essence, a balanced curriculum, integrating both traditional subjects and art and music, would best serve our children, preparing them not just for tests but for the real-world challenges ahead.

The age-old debate on the essence of a school's curriculum often hinges on the priorities we set for our younger generation. Do we want them to be vessels of vast knowledge or multifaceted individuals with diverse skills? While the answer might seem evident as the latter to some, I tend to align with Andrew's perspective in this context.

At the outset, we must recognize the importance of foundational knowledge. Subjects like math, science, reading, and history lay down the essential groundwork for almost every advanced learning and professional field. Their foundational nature means that proficiency in these areas is often a prerequisite to understanding more complex topics and ideas later on. Think of it like building a house; one cannot start with the roof before laying down a robust foundation.

Now, I'm not undermining the importance of art and music. They indeed serve as great outlets for creativity and are beneficial for mental well-being. However, there's a crucial difference to note. While schools are the primary source of foundational knowledge for many students, art and music can be more flexibly explored outside the school environment. Today's digital age offers countless online platforms, workshops, and extracurricular programs where students can dive into their artistic pursuits in a more personalized manner, allowing them to explore at their own pace without the constraints of a school curriculum.

Personally, I believe that schools should incorporate more arts and music lessons to spark creativity and reduce students' stress. To begin with, students nowadays are packed with burdensome tasks across various academic subjects, leaving them with no time to explore their interests or relax. Music and art lessons, with soothing visuals and beautiful melodies, can act as great mediums for students to express their thoughts in creative ways. By doing so, their mental burden will be significantly reduced. Take me as an example. Through joining a weekly art class in my high school, I was able to relieve myself from pages of schoolwork and work creatively on canvases and oil painting ior two hours nonstop. This greatly reduced my stress levels and even contributed to my innovative thinking, enabling me to reason outside of the box. Eventually, this mindset spilled over to other academic subjects, ultimately leading to better grades. Though traditional subjects such as math and sciences are indeed important, I believe that students nowadays would benefit more from innovative training and reduced mental burdens.

Untitled by bellatess

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz,.,.,.,.,Hannah Castaneda Hannah Castaneda

Ernest Hemingway by bellatess

Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899, in Oak Park, Illinois. The son of a country doctor and an opera singer, he learned hunting and fishing from his nature-loving father, laying the groundwork for Hemingway’s fascination with nature and the image of a bluff outdoorsman that he would later cultivate. He started his career as a local reporter in Kansas City. His beginnings as a journalist shaped his minimalistic style as a novelist later in life. During World War I, he volunteered as a paramedic, joining a group of writers and artists around Gertrude Stein in Paris after the war. He spent the winters of 1925 and 1926 in the Austrian Montafontal, where he wrote the novel The Sun Also Rises. Published in 1926, it was his literary breakthrough. Hemingway continued to work as a reporter and war journalist, covering the Greco-Turkish war in 1922, the Spanish Civil War from 1936–1939 and World War II in the ’40s. In 1940, For Whom the Bell Tolls was published. In 1954, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature after the publication of The Old Man and the Sea.

Assignment 5 E1 by frostyprince

Thank you for sending along this very pleasant woman with a clinical diagnosis of coronary artery disease for coronary angiography. Your various enclosures were helpful in modifying history-taking with this lady. Frankly, when I took the story of her chest discomfort and shortness of breath with exertion, as she gave it, I felt that it was only equivocal for myocardial ischemia.

She is not a cigarette smoker, has never been hypertensive and apparently there is no history of coronary artery disease. She is not a diabetic.

Her physical examination reveals a soft systolic ejection murmur at the apex radiating to the left sternal border. Central arterial pulse quality was normal and peripheral pulses intact without bruits. I felt there was no clinical cardiomegaly or heart failure.

At cardiac catheterization, her left ventricular end-diastolic pressure was 18. The left ventricle was normal in size and wall motion with no mitral regurgitation of left ventricular outflow tract gradient.

At coronary angiography, this lady presented somewhat of a challenge. I was not able to selectively engage the right coronary artery despite using four different catheters. A non-selective angiogram shows what appears to be only minimal right coronary artery disease.

what you think are t by toefl120

Rural areas often offer a higher quality of life due to their tranquil surroundings, lower levels of pollution, and closer proximity to nature. People may prioritize this over the hustle and bustle of city life, valuing the peace and quiet that rural living provides. For instance, in rural settings, one can often find homes with more land and space, offering privacy and room for home gardening, which is a boon for those valuing self-sufficiency and a connection to nature. Additionally, the lower cost of living can enable a more comfortable lifestyle on a modest income.

DMPA.org by gregv


DMPA.org by gregv


DMPA.org by gregv


gridspace typing by natbishay

Certainly! Here's a text for a typing test that incorporates Gridspace, a speech and language company, and the Fourth of July:

Welcome to the Gridspace intern typing test! Gridspace is a pioneering company in the field of speech and language technology, dedicated to creating advanced conversational AI solutions. As you prepare for your role with us, it's essential to understand the importance of precision and accuracy in our work.

Today, as we celebrate the Fourth of July, we reflect on the values of innovation and freedom that drive our nation forward. Just as the founding fathers envisioned a future of endless possibilities, Gridspace is committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible with language technology.

Our cutting-edge systems are designed to improve communication, enhance customer experiences, and streamline operations across various industries. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, we are shaping the future of human interaction.

As you type, remember that every keystroke contributes to the larger goal of excellence and progress. Let's honor the spirit of independence and innovation this Fourth of July by showcasing our best skills and dedication to the mission of Gridspace.

Happy Fourth of July, and good luck with your typing test!

Gridspace Test by natbishay

Welcome to the Gridspace intern typing test! Gridspace is a pioneering company in the field of speech and language technology, dedicated to creating advanced conversational AI solutions. As you prepare for your role with us, it's essential to understand the importance of precision and accuracy in our work.

Today, as we celebrate the Fourth of July, we reflect on the values of innovation and freedom that drive our nation forward. Just as the founding fathers envisioned a future of endless possibilities, Gridspace is committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible with language technology.

Our cutting-edge systems are designed to improve communication, enhance customer experiences, and streamline operations across various industries. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, we are shaping the future of human interaction.

As you type, remember that every keystroke contributes to the larger goal of excellence and progress. Let's honor the spirit of independence and innovation this Fourth of July by showcasing our best skills and dedication to the mission of Gridspace.

Happy Fourth of July, and good luck with your typing test!


Convocatoria y asamblea general ordinaria de: SOCIEDAD ANONIMA (S.A)

Aguascalientes, Ags al 13 de Junio de 2024

Se convoca a todos los accionistas de la empresa Provetren S.A de C.V, a la celebración de una Asamblea General Ordinaria, que se llevará a cabo el día 29 de Junio de 2024, a las 10:00 am, en el domicilio ubicado en calle Ma. Guadalupe Serna Díaz, número 330, Fraccionamiento Lunaria de esta Ciudad, para tratar los siguientes puntos del:


Puntos a tratar:

1.- Pase de lista.

2.- Se propondrá a los accionistas la compra de un terreno, con una extensión superficial de 200 m2, el cual se encuentra ubicado en Avenida Independencia, número exterior 40, Fraccionamiento San Nicolas de esta Ciudad.

3.- Se analizará el balance de la fecha 01 de Mayo de 2024.

Sin más por el momento, me despido quedando a sus órdenes.

Atentamente ___________________

Juan Pérez Pérez


En la ciudad de Aguascalientes, siendo las 10:00 horas del día 29 de Junio de 2024, se reúnen los accionistas de la empresa Provetren S.A de C.V, en el domicilio ubicado en calle Ma. Guadalupe Serna Díaz, número 330, Fraccionamiento Lunaria de esta Ciudad, para la celebración de la Asamblea Ordinaria, la cual fue publicada el día 13 de Junio de 2024 en el Periódico Oficial del Estado, por el comisario Juan Pérez Pérez, para tratar de resolver los siguientes puntos del:


1.- Con la finalidad de agotar el orden del día se procede al pase de lista.




Juan Pérez Pérez


$ 5,000

José López López


$ 10,000

Gael García García


$ 15,000

Con una asistencia de 3 accionistas de un total de 3 que representa un Capital Social de $30,000, se declara legalmente establecido el Quórum.

2.- Se presenta a los accionistas la propuesta para la compra de un terreno, con una superficie de 200 metros cuadrados, ubicado en Avenida Independencia, número 40, Fraccionamiento San Nicolas de esta Ciudad. Se discutieron los beneficios y condiciones de la compra, así como el costo total de la adquisición.

Los accionistas presentes expresaron sus opiniones sobre la ubicación y el precio del terreno, Juan Pérez mencionó que el terreno es una buena inversión debido a su ubicación estratégica. Gael García preguntó sobre el financiamiento y los plazos de pago.

Después de la discusión se procedió a la votación.

Votos a favor

Juan Pérez Pérez

José López López

Gael García García

Con 3 votos a favor y 0 votos en contra, se aprueba la compra del terreno en Avenida Independencia número exterior 40, Fraccionamiento San Nicolas.

3.- Se presenta a los accionistas el balance correspondiente al 01 de Mayo de 2024. Juan Pérez expuso los ingresos y egresos detalladamente, y se proporcionaron copias del balance a los accionistas para su revisión.

Gael García, solicita una aclaración sobre un gasto específico en el balance a los asistentes para su revisión. Juan Pérez explicó que el dicho gasto correspondía a un cambio temporal respecto a sus proveedores, por lo cual, había un aumento de 6% en contraste al balance anterior.

Votos a favor

Juan Pérez Pérez

José López López

Gael García García

Tras la revisión y aclaración, se aprueba el balance de 01 de Mayo de 2024 por unanimidad de votos.

Siendo las 14 horas del día de hoy, se da por concluida la presente Asamblea, firmado en ella los que quisieron hacerlo.