
Test 8 by sanair1

Unit 1009 Living Side A Window Well Unit 1009 Living Side A Floor (HF) Unit 1009 Bed Side A Window Sill Unit 1009 Bed Side A Floor (CF) Unit 1009 Kitchen Side Center Floor (HF) Unit 1009 Hall Side Center Floor (HF) Unit 1003 Living Side A Window Sill Unit 1003 Living Side A Floor (HF) Unit 1003 Bed Side A Window Well Unit 1003 Bed Side A Floor (CF) Unit 1003 Hall Side Center Floor (HF) Unit 1003 Entry Side Center Floor (HF) Unit 903 Living Side A Window Well Unit 903 Living Side A Floor (HF) Unit 903 Bed Side A Window Sill Unit 903 Bed Side A Floor (CF) Unit 903 Hall Side Center Floor (HF) Unit 903 Kitchen Side Center Floor (HF) Unit 909 Living Side A Window Well Unit 909 Living Side A Floor (HF) Unit 909 Bed Side A Window Sill Unit 909 Bed Side A Floor (CF) Unit 909 Entry Side Center Floor (HF) Unit 909 Hall Side Center Floor (HF) Unit 803 Living Side A Window Sill Unit 803 Living Side A Floor (HF) Unit 803 Bed Side A Window Well Unit 803 Bed Side A Floor (CF) Unit 803 Kitchen Side Center Floor (HF) Unit 803 Kitchen Side Center Floor (HF) Unit 603 Living Side A Window Well Unit 603 Living Side A Floor (HF) Unit 603 Bed Side A Window Sill Unit 603 Bed Side A Floor (CF) Unit 603 Kitchen Side Center Floor (HF) Unit 603 Kitchen Side Center Floor (HF) Unit 509 Living Side A Window Well Unit 509 Living Side A Floor (HF) Unit 509 Bed Side A Window Sill Unit 509 Bed Side A Floor (CF) Unit 509 Kitchen Side Center Floor (HF) Unit 509 Hall Side Center Floor (HF) Unit 503 Living Side A Window Well Unit 503 Living Side A Floor (HF) Unit 503 Bed Side A Window Sill Unit 503 Bed Side A Floor (CF) Unit 503 Kitchen Side Center Floor (HF) Unit 503 Hall Side Center Floor (HF) Unit 201 Living Side A Window Well Unit 201 Living Side A Floor (HF)

Untitled by user109439

Thank you for calling IT support! Before we begin, I must ask: Have you tried turning it off and on again? Excellent. Now, please ensure your computer is plugged in—yes, that’s usually important. You’ll need to locate the 'any' key to continue, but don’t worry, it’s as real as your hopes of leaving early today. While you’re at it, I’ll need your password, and if it’s 'Password123', we need to have a serious chat about security. The issue might be between the chair and the keyboard, but let’s go ahead and uninstall everything just to be safe. Oh, and before you ask, no, the CD drive isn’t a cup holder, but I appreciate the creativity! Let’s just reboot everything—computers, routers, and maybe your patience—because that solves 90% of our problems. If all else fails, hit the keyboard a few times with the mouse for good luck.

values 3 by puzzlled

You're right. While the ideal is to instill all these values, it can be overwhelming for parents to integrate everything consistently, given the realities of daily life. A practical, application-oriented approach would focus on creating habits and leading by example while also choosing a few key values to emphasize at different stages of the child's development. Here's how you can apply values in a more manageable and realistic way:

1. Start with Core Values
Choose 3-5 foundational values that you believe are most important for your child at their current stage of life. These might include empathy, responsibility, honesty, and respect. Focusing on a smaller set makes it easier to model and reinforce these consistently.


Empathy: Encourage simple acts of kindness (helping a friend, sharing). Discuss emotions in everyday conversations.
Responsibility: Assign age-appropriate chores and reward consistency with praise, not material rewards.
2. Model the Behavior
Children learn more from what they see than from what they are told. You can teach values through your own actions without needing formal lessons.

Show respect in your interactions with others (greeting neighbors, saying “thank you”).
Demonstrate responsibility by following through on your commitments (finishing tasks, being punctual).
Acknowledge your own mistakes and apologize when necessary, which models honesty and humility.

Honesty: If you make a mistake in front of your child, admit it and explain why it’s important to be honest.
Respect: Treat your child’s opinions with respect, even when they differ from yours, showing them how respect works in action.
3. Reinforce Values in Everyday Life
Use daily interactions and experiences as opportunities to reinforce values. Values are often best learned in the moment when children can see how they apply in real situations.

Teachable moments: When conflicts arise between siblings or friends, guide them in resolving issues through kindness, patience, and fairness.
Routine involvement: Have your child participate in family routines (cleaning up, meal preparation) to instill responsibility.
Discussion over dinner: Discuss examples from your day or their day where values like empathy or perseverance came into play.

After playing with a group, ask, “How did you feel when your friend was left out? What could you do next time to help them feel included?”
4. Use Simple, Realistic Activities
Choose activities that fit naturally into your daily life rather than feeling like extra tasks. The goal is to make learning values a seamless part of routine.

Empathy: Volunteer together as a family (e.g., picking up litter in the neighborhood, donating clothes), teaching them about caring for others.
Gratitude: At the end of each day, ask your child to say one thing they’re thankful for. Keep it short and simple, but consistent.
Self-discipline: Implement a daily routine that your child helps create, teaching them about structure and responsibility.

Before bedtime, make it a habit to ask your child, “What’s something kind you did today? How did it make you feel?”
5. Positive Reinforcement & Reflection
Praise good behavior: When your child demonstrates a value (like kindness or responsibility), offer immediate positive reinforcement. Be specific, so they understand what behavior is being praised.
Encourage reflection: Instead of just telling them to apologize, ask them why their actions hurt someone and what they can do next time to avoid it.
Reframe mistakes as learning opportunities: When they make a mistake, use it as a moment to reflect and learn rather than focusing on the mistake itself.

After resolving a conflict with a friend, ask, “How did it feel to be kind even though you were upset?” This reinforces their positive action.
6. Focus on One Value at a Time
Trying to teach every value at once can feel overwhelming. Instead, focus on one key value each month or season and incorporate activities that reinforce that value.

January: Responsibility: Focus on teaching them to complete tasks like homework, chores, and helping out around the house.
February: Empathy: Encourage them to notice and respond to the feelings of others by listening and helping.

Create a monthly "value chart" and discuss one value during that time. Highlight how they can practice it at school, home, or with friends.
7. Lead Conversations with Real-Life Examples
Stories and examples from your own life, or stories in the news, movies, or books, are powerful ways to teach values.

Discuss relatable stories from movies or books that focus on values like honesty, fairness, or courage. Ask, “What would you do in that situation?”
Share personal experiences where you learned a valuable lesson about responsibility, honesty, or kindness.

After watching a movie where a character lies, ask, “Why do you think the character lied? What could they have done differently?”
8. Encourage Independent Decision-Making
Allow children to make age-appropriate choices and experience the outcomes of their decisions, whether positive or negative.

Empower them: Let them decide how they want to help around the house, what they want to wear, or how they can solve minor conflicts with siblings.
Learning from mistakes: Let them experience minor setbacks (e.g., forgetting their homework). Use these moments to discuss responsibility and problem-solving.

If they didn’t complete a task they promised to do, instead of rushing to fix it, guide them in finding a solution. This promotes responsibility and independence.
9. Create a Value-Centric Environment
Establish an environment at home where values are consistently reinforced.

Family rules based on values: Instead of a list of dos and don’ts, create family rules that are rooted in values. For example, instead of “don’t hit,” say, “we solve problems with words, not hands” (focusing on kindness and respect).
Value-based traditions: Create family traditions that support values, such as a weekly “kindness hour,” where each family member does something nice for someone else.

Establish a “Respect Zone” in your home where everyone must speak kindly, listen carefully, and avoid interrupting.
10. Build a Support Network
Surround your child with other influences (teachers, friends, community members) who also model these values. Children often need reinforcement outside of home as well.

Positive role models: Seek out friends, teachers, or coaches who share similar values and create opportunities for your child to learn from them.
Community engagement: Encourage participation in activities like group sports, clubs, or volunteer work where values like cooperation, fairness, and respect are learned.

Enroll your child in a local volunteer program or after-school activity that encourages teamwork and responsibility.
Final Thoughts: Balance and Consistency
Instead of trying to be perfect or teach every value every day, focus on small, consistent actions that reinforce core values in your child’s life. Prioritize quality over quantity, and remember that learning values is a process over time, not an overnight transformation. Children are more likely to internalize values if they see them applied consistently and meaningfully in everyday life.

By staying patient, modeling the behavior yourself, and creating simple, regular opportunities for your child to practice these values, you will help them develop a strong moral foundation without overwhelming yourself or them.

Rust: Service Config by strosekd

use crate::domain::SubscriberEmail;
use crate::email_client::EmailClient;
use secrecy::{ExposeSecret, Secret};
use serde_aux::field_attributes::deserialize_number_from_string;
use sqlx::postgres::{PgConnectOptions, PgSslMode};
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};

#[derive(serde::Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct Settings {
pub database: DatabaseSettings,
pub application: ApplicationSettings,
pub email_client: EmailClientSettings,
pub redis_uri: Secret<String>,

#[derive(serde::Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct ApplicationSettings {
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_number_from_string")]
pub port: u16,
pub host: String,
pub base_url: String,
pub hmac_secret: Secret<String>,

#[derive(serde::Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct DatabaseSettings {
pub username: String,
pub password: Secret<String>,
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_number_from_string")]
pub port: u16,
pub host: String,
pub database_name: String,
pub require_ssl: bool,

impl DatabaseSettings {
pub fn connect_options(&self) -> PgConnectOptions {
let ssl_mode = if self.require_ssl {
} else {

#[derive(serde::Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct EmailClientSettings {
pub base_url: String,
pub sender_email: String,
pub authorization_token: Secret<String>,
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_number_from_string")]
pub timeout_milliseconds: u64,

impl EmailClientSettings {
pub fn client(self) -> EmailClient {
let sender_email = self.sender().expect("Invalid sender email address.");
let timeout = self.timeout();

pub fn sender(&self) -> Result<SubscriberEmail, String> {

pub fn timeout(&self) -> std::time::Duration {

pub fn get_configuration() -> Result<Settings, config::ConfigError> {
let base_path = std::env::current_dir().expect("Failed to determine the current directory");
let configuration_directory = base_path.join("configuration");

// Detect the running environment.
// Default to `local` if unspecified.
let environment: Environment = std::env::var("APP_ENVIRONMENT")
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "local".into())
.expect("Failed to parse APP_ENVIRONMENT.");
let environment_filename = format!("{}.yaml", environment.as_str());
let settings = config::Config::builder()
// Add in settings from environment variables (with a prefix of APP and '__' as separator)
// E.g. `APP_APPLICATION__PORT=5001 would set `Settings.application.port`


/// The possible runtime environment for our application.
pub enum Environment {

impl Environment {
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Environment::Local => "local",
Environment::Production => "production",

impl TryFrom<String> for Environment {
type Error = String;

fn try_from(s: String) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match s.to_lowercase().as_str() {
"local" => Ok(Self::Local),
"production" => Ok(Self::Production),
other => Err(format!(
"{} is not a supported environment. Use either `local` or `production`.",

values 2 by puzzlled

Cultivating humbleness and politeness in kids between 7 to 10 years old requires a thoughtful approach that combines modeling behavior, reinforcing positive actions, and providing opportunities to practice these values. Here are some strategies:

1. Modeling the Behavior
Lead by example: Kids are very observant, and they often imitate adult behavior. Show humility by admitting when you're wrong, accepting feedback gracefully, and being polite in your everyday interactions.
Speak respectfully: Use polite language ("please," "thank you," "excuse me") and demonstrate active listening when conversing with them and others.
2. Encouraging Empathy
Teach them to consider others' feelings: Help them understand how their actions affect others by asking questions like, “How do you think your friend felt when that happened?” This encourages empathy, which is key to humility and politeness.
Role-playing: Engage in role-playing scenarios where they practice polite and humble behavior, like saying sorry when they hurt someone, sharing toys, or speaking kindly to others.
3. Praise Positive Behavior
Recognize politeness and humility: When kids display these behaviors, offer praise specific to their actions, such as “I’m proud of how politely you asked for that” or “It was very humble of you to congratulate your friend on their success.”
Reward the effort, not just the achievement: Encourage them to appreciate the effort of others and recognize that success is a journey, not just a result.
4. Teach Gratitude
Regularly express gratitude: Encourage kids to say thank you for both small and big acts of kindness. You can create a daily gratitude routine where they list things they are thankful for.
Write thank-you notes: Teach them to express gratitude in writing, such as after receiving a gift or help. This reinforces both humility and appreciation.
5. Encourage Teamwork and Sharing
Engage them in group activities: Being part of a team teaches kids that everyone’s contributions matter. It fosters an understanding that no one person is more important than another, promoting humility.
Share responsibilities at home: Giving them small responsibilities, like helping with chores or taking care of pets, helps them develop a sense of contribution and selflessness.
6. Teach the Value of Learning from Mistakes
Normalize making mistakes: Let them know it’s okay to be wrong and that everyone makes mistakes. Teach them how to apologize when they’ve hurt someone and learn from their actions.
Emphasize growth: Focus on the importance of learning and growing from every experience, which fosters humility.
7. Read Stories with Moral Lessons
Use books and stories: Children’s books that highlight characters who display humility, kindness, and politeness can be powerful. Discuss the story’s lessons afterward, asking how they can apply it in their own lives.
8. Encourage Volunteering
Engage in community service: Even simple tasks, like helping neighbors or participating in school projects, teach children the value of serving others, which nurtures both humility and empathy.
Would you like suggestions for stories or books that encourage these traits?

CONFIDENCE by ashleygs16

Interrumpir a un cliente, puede hacer que se sienta incomprendido o frustrado. Esto afecta la percepción que tiene del servicio y puede impactar directamente en la calidad de la interacción, lo que podría derivar en penalizaciones en el rubro Confidence. A veces, interrumpimos por hábito o por querer ofrecer una solución rápidamente. Sin embargo, es vital aprender a manejar esos impulsos. Algunas técnicas que pueden ayudarte a minimizar interrupciones son tomar notas: Si sientes la necesidad de interrumpir, escribe tus pensamientos en lugar de decirlos. Esto te ayudará a recordar lo que quieres decir sin interrumpir al cliente. Otra técnica es usar silencios estratégicos: Pausar un momento antes de responder asegura que el cliente haya terminado de hablar y te da tiempo para formular una respuesta clara y precisa. Y por último, reconocer y corregir: Si te das cuenta de que interrumpiste, discúlpate brevemente y permite que el cliente continúe.

LAW_5__29 by user654824

Reputation is a treasure to be carefully collected and hoarded. Especially when you are first establishing it, you must protect it strictly, anticipating all attacks on it. Once it is solid, do not let yourself get angry or defensive at the slanderous comments of your enemies that reveals insecurity, not confidence in your reputation. Take the high road instead, and never appear desperate in your self-defense. On the other hand, an attract on another man's reputation is a potent weapon, particularly when you have less power than he does. He has much more to lose in such a battle, and your own thus-far-small reputation gives him a small target when he tries to return your fire. Barnum used such campaigns to great effect in his early career. But his tactic must be practiced with skill; you must not seem to engage in petty vengeance. If you do not break your enemy's reputation cleverly, you will inadvertently ruin your own.

LAW_5__28 by user654824

Perhaps you have already stained your reputation, so that you are prevented from establishing a new one. In such cases it is wise to associate whose image counteracts your own, using their good name to whitewash and elevate your. It is hard, for example, to erase a reputation for dishonesty by yourself; but a paragon of honesty can help. When P. T. Barnum wanted to clean up a reputation for promoting vulgar entertainment, he brought the singer Jenny Lind over from Europe. She had a stellar, high-class reputation, and the American tour Barnum sponsored for her greatly enhanced his own image. Similarly the great robber barons of nineteenth-century America were long unable to rid themselves of a reputation for cruelty and mean-spiritedness. Only when they began collecting art, so that the names of Morgan and Frick became permanently associated with those of da Vinci and Rembrandt, were they able to soften their unpleasant image.

LAW_5__27 by user654824

Make your reputation simple and base it on one sterling quality. This single quality efficiency, say, or seductiveness becomes a kind of calling card that announces your presence and places others under a spell. A reputation for honesty will allow you to practice all manner of deception. Casanova used his reputation as a great seducer to pave the way for his future conquests; women who had heard of his powers became immensely curious, and wanted to discover for themselves what had made him so romantically successful.

LAW_5__26 by user654824

Your success seems destined by your past triumphs. Much of the success of Henry Kissinger's shuttle diplomacy rested on his reputation for ironing out differences; no one wanted to be seen as so unreasonable that Kissinger could not sway him. A peace treaty seemed a fait accompli as soon as Kissinger's name became involved in the negotiations.

LAW_5__25 by user654824

As they say, your reputation inevitably precedes you, and if it inspires respect, a lot of your work is done for you before you arrive on the scene, or utter a single word.

The Preamble by mrgreg62

we the people of the united states, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the united states of america.

LAW_5__24 by user654824

A solid reputation increases your presence and exaggerates your strengths without your having to spend much energy. It can also create an aura around you that will instill respect, even fear. In the fighting in the North African desert during World War II, the German general Erwin Rommel had a reputation for cunning and for deceptive maneuvering that struck terror into everyone who faced him. Even when his forces were depleted, and when British tanks outnumbered his by five to one, entire cities would be evacuated at the news of his approach.

LAW_5__23 by user654824

In the beginning, you must work to establish a reputation for one outstanding quality, whether generosity or honesty or cunning. This quality sets you apart and gets other people to talk about you. You then make your reputation known to as many people as possible (subtly, though; take care to build slowly, and with a firm foundation), and watch as it spreads like wildfire.

Bacon Ipsum2 by kmmonahan05

Bacon ipsum dolor amet t-bone ball tip cow, tenderloin shankle brisket kevin turducken doner meatloaf venison. Turkey short ribs tenderloin prosciutto boudin hamburger jowl filet mignon bacon. Short ribs pork loin corned beef, flank pork chop capicola pork belly.

Bacon Ipsum by kmmonahan05

Bacon ipsum dolor amet t-bone ball tip cow, tenderloin shankle brisket kevin turducken doner meatloaf venison. Turkey short ribs tenderloin prosciutto boudin hamburger jowl filet mignon bacon. Short ribs pork loin corned beef, chislic flank pork chop capicola pork belly. Pork chop swine porchetta, frankfurter boudin beef ribs andouille filet mignon spare ribs ham hock.

disney by wishpath

Walt worked two daughters. Mr. Disney wanted children together. Disneyland.

foundational values1 by puzzlled

Here’s a guide with ideas for teaching each of the foundational values to children, using practical activities, discussions, and habits:

1. Empathy
Role-playing: Act out different scenarios where one person needs help or feels upset. Ask the child how they would feel in that situation and how they can show understanding.
Reading stories: Choose books with diverse characters and experiences. After reading, discuss how the characters felt and why.
Caring for others: Encourage them to help friends or family members, showing empathy through actions like offering comfort when someone is sad.
2. Respect
Respectful listening: Teach them to listen without interrupting. Practice during conversations by having them repeat back what the other person said.
Respectful language: Reinforce polite words like "please," "thank you," and "excuse me" at home and in public.
Respect for diversity: Expose children to different cultures, traditions, and viewpoints. Encourage questions and explain the importance of respecting differences.
3. Responsibility
Chore chart: Assign age-appropriate responsibilities at home (cleaning their room, feeding pets). Reward consistency with praise, not just outcomes.
Natural consequences: Allow children to experience the outcomes of their actions (e.g., if they forget to pack lunch, they’ll feel hungry). Help them understand responsibility without punishment.
Goal setting: Teach them to set small goals (finishing homework) and take ownership of completing them.
4. Honesty
Honesty stories: Share examples of times when telling the truth was important, even when it was difficult. Use stories with moral lessons.
Praise honesty: When they admit to mistakes, reward the honesty by praising their courage, even if their actions need correction.
Avoid overreacting: If a child lies, approach it calmly and discuss why telling the truth matters instead of punishing them harshly.
5. Gratitude
Gratitude jar: Each day, have your child write down one thing they are grateful for and place it in a jar. Review these together at the end of the week.
Thank-you notes: Encourage writing thank-you cards or letters for gifts or kind actions, teaching them to express appreciation.
Verbal expressions: Regularly ask them to say what they are thankful for during meals or bedtime.
6. Self-Discipline
Time management games: Use timers for tasks like homework or cleaning to teach focus and discipline. Set short, achievable tasks to build confidence.
Delayed gratification: Offer a reward that they can earn by waiting, like saving money or waiting a week to buy something special. Discuss the benefits of waiting.
Create routines: Help establish daily routines for homework, play, and chores, teaching the importance of following through on tasks.
7. Perseverance
Puzzle challenges: Give them challenging but achievable puzzles or tasks that require patience and effort. Praise them for not giving up.
Track progress: Create a chart for long-term goals, like learning a new skill. Mark each step of progress to show them their effort is paying off.
Failure as a lesson: When they experience setbacks, discuss what went wrong and how they can try again. Help them view failure as part of the learning process.
8. Fairness
Fair play in games: During games or sports, emphasize playing fairly rather than just winning. If disputes arise, guide them to resolve conflicts fairly.
Taking turns: Create situations where they practice waiting for their turn and sharing. Praise them when they handle this well.
Discuss fairness: Use real-life examples (school, playground) to discuss what is fair and why fairness matters for everyone.
9. Cooperation
Group activities: Organize cooperative projects (building something, cooking together) that require working as a team. Emphasize each person’s role in success.
Cooperation games: Play board games or team-based games that require players to work together, like building structures with blocks.
Classroom or family projects: Assign roles to each child in a group project and explain that everyone's contribution is important.
10. Courage
Facing fears: Help children confront their fears with encouragement and small steps. For example, if they are afraid of speaking in public, start with a small audience and praise their effort.
Celebrating small acts of bravery: Acknowledge when they try something new or face a difficult situation. Reinforce that courage isn’t about being fearless but about trying despite fear.
Modeling courage: Share personal stories of moments when you had to be brave and how it helped you grow.
11. Kindness
Random acts of kindness: Set aside one day per week for your child to perform an act of kindness for someone (writing a note, helping a neighbor, sharing a toy).
Kindness bingo: Create a bingo card with acts of kindness (helping a sibling, sharing lunch, comforting a friend). When they complete a row, celebrate.
Praise kind behavior: Acknowledge moments when they are kind to others. Positive reinforcement helps them associate kindness with good feelings.
12. Curiosity
Ask questions: Encourage them to ask “why” and “how” questions about the world around them. Support their natural curiosity by helping them find answers.
Science experiments: Engage in simple science experiments at home that spark curiosity and hands-on learning.
Visit museums: Take them to museums, zoos, or nature centers where they can explore and ask questions about new things.
13. Tolerance
Cultural exposure: Introduce your child to different cultures through food, books, and festivals. Explain the importance of accepting differences.
Tolerance discussions: Talk about diversity in a positive light and emphasize that everyone is unique in their own way, and that's a good thing.
Encourage inclusive play: Encourage them to include others in games, especially kids who may seem different or left out.
14. Self-Awareness
Emotion check-ins: Ask your child regularly how they are feeling and why. Help them identify their emotions and the reasons behind them.
Strengths and weaknesses: Discuss things they’re good at and areas they find challenging. Help them set goals for improvement.
Mindfulness activities: Introduce simple mindfulness exercises to help them become aware of their emotions and reactions, such as deep breathing or quiet reflection.
15. Generosity
Donation box: Encourage your child to regularly choose toys, clothes, or books they no longer use to donate to charity.
Share their time: Encourage them to spend time helping a sibling, friend, or relative with something they need, such as reading together or helping with homework.
Generosity jar: Create a “generosity jar” where family members can contribute coins or small amounts of money, then decide together on a cause to donate it to.
16. Forgiveness
Model forgiveness: Show them how to forgive by explaining how you let go of grudges and move on from conflicts.
Apology role-playing: Teach them how to apologize sincerely and how to accept apologies from others. Role-play situations to practice.
Forgiveness stories: Read stories about characters who forgive and discuss the importance of letting go of anger or hurt.
17. Optimism
Positive thinking exercises: When faced with setbacks, encourage your child to think about what went well or what they can learn. Help them see the bright side.
Optimism journals: Have them keep a journal of good things that happen each day, focusing on positive outcomes and learning moments.
Praising effort: Instead of focusing only on success, praise their effort and perseverance. This encourages them to stay positive, even when results don’t go as planned.
18. Patience
Waiting games: Practice patience by playing games where they need to wait their turn (e.g., board games). Discuss how waiting calmly is an important skill.
Timed challenges: Use a timer for tasks like waiting for a treat or toy. Gradually increase the waiting time to build patience.
Teach deep breathing: When they feel impatient, encourage them to take a few deep breaths or count to ten to calm down.
19. Independence
Give choices: Allow your child to make decisions on small things (e.g., choosing their clothes or snack), giving them a sense of control.
Encourage problem-solving: Instead of solving problems for them, guide them to find solutions. Ask, “What do you think we should do?”
Let them fail: Allow safe opportunities for them to fail and learn from their mistakes. This builds resilience and confidence in their abilities.
20. Humility
Discuss achievements humbly: Teach your child to talk about their accomplishments without bragging. Use phrases like “I’m proud of what I did” rather than comparing themselves to others.
Highlight teamwork: Emphasize how others helped them succeed. Encourage them to recognize and appreciate the contributions of others.
Stories about humility: Share stories of famous or fictional characters who exhibit humility, showing how being humble can lead to success and respect.
Each of these values can be integrated into daily life through simple activities and discussions, helping children internalize them in a natural and enjoyable way. Would you like more detailed activities for any specific value?

T1-SEPT24-CS1 by rizky

Baik Kak, untuk notifikasi sudah Magi kirimkan melalui whatsapp ya Kak. besok tersisa di jam 17.00 Kak, maksimal keterlambatan 15 menit Kak, apakah bisa di usahakan? jika September 22, 2024 di jam 12.00 apakah berkenan Kak? September 18, 2024 tersedia di jam 17.00 dengan drg Lulu apakah berkenan kak? jadinya mau ke cabang mana Kak/ berlaku behel reguler di cabang Cibubur Alternatif ya Kak. maaf tidak berlaku di cabang Kota wisata cibubur kak. stain removal atau dental spa adalah pembersihan noda karena kipi, rokok dan teh Kak. ingin scaling nya Kak? namun fluoridasi opsional kak, jika tidak berkenan fluoridasi tidak apa-apa, nanti bisa kakak infokan ke drg kami saat di klinik ya. Sebagai informasi untuk Scaling 99rb hanya scaling simple case ya Kak, jika saat dilakukan pengecekan ternyata karang gigi Kakak sudah menumpuk dan banyak akan dikenakan biaya tambahan deep scaling 100rb dan Fluoridasi 250rb. apakah berkenan? untuk konsultasinya 99rb ya Kak. tersedia September 23, 2024 di jam 16.00 apakah berkenan Kak? jika weekday bisa di jam berapa saja Kak? maaf Kak, jadwalnya sudah full booking Kak, tersedia mulai 25 September ya Kak, kakak ada jadwal lain? di bantu konsultasi dulu ya Kak, jika di venee harganya estimasi 1jt per gigi kak.

Race by ladybugkittenz

The Minecraft user who digs the tree with a shovel, will not succeed at playing the game. Z3onlol sucks at making servers, and 1Indy sucks at digging holes. However, the user who uses an axe will achieve much more than the average user.