
Informal Letter by user109706

Dear Sadia
At first take my cordial love with the core of my heart. Hope you are well. I am also well by the grace of Almighty Allah. I received your letter yesterday. In your letter you have wanted to know about

No more today. please convey my best regards to your parents and youngers. Your loving friend

Man With Three Sons by jespiron

There was once a man with three sons, and this man was elderly and dying. On top of being elderly and dying, this man was suffering from success, and as such had too many possessions he had to give away upon his death. And so, this man got to writing a will.
It was a difficult task. The man had three sons and two jeeps, and he had other possessions, yes, but the most difficult to split were the jeeps. His sons prized the jeeps at #1 and could care less about all the other possessions, who cares about houses and heirlooms and inheriting the family empire when you can have a jeep? After nights of thinking and erasing and thinking again, the man finished his will.
"Okay, I've written my will," said the man. "Listen carefully, now, boys."
"My eldest son, you will get my jeep." The eldest beamed.
"My middle son, you will get--" "the other jeep?" The man smiled.
"No, even better," said the man, "you will get not one, but two jeeps." The middle son was elated. The eldest was confused and indignant. The middle son gets TWO jeeps while he only gets one?! Unthinkable! (In fairy tales with three sons, you don't want to be the first son)
Asked the eldest: "Wait, don't we only have two jeeps? Where'd you get the third jeep from?"
The man smiled again. "See, I sold the second jeep, and in exchange, I got two jeeps: jeep70 and jeep70cp." At this, he pulled out two slips of paper, with jeep70 and jeep70cp written on it.
It was the middle son's turn to be confused.
"Are these the ownership agreements for my two jeeps?"
"Yes! This one is for jeep70's Club Penguin account, and this one's for jeep70cp's business gmail for all serious matters regarding Club Penguin."
The middle son beamed in a way that showed he was not at all pleased. The eldest's indignance morphed into sympathy. "Uh, you can borrow my jeep on the weekends," he said, to which the middle son said nothing.
Now it was the youngest's turn.
"My youngest," said the man. The youngest swallowed in fear.
"You will get..." The youngest was most definitely not getting a jeep. Both jeeps were gone, what could his father possibly cook up?
"...you will get my jerpson and jurplel."
"Okay," said the youngest. He didn't know what a jerpson and jurplel were, and glancing at his two brothers, they didn't either.
Seeing the look on the youngest's face, the man got to explaining. "See, I was in a huge pickle. I already gave away the first jeep. And I already sold the second jeep. From the money I got from selling the second jeep, I spent about 80% of it on the Club Penguin accounts. So I didn't have much left."
"I can see that," said the youngest.
"So, I found a guy. I paid him the remaining 20% of jeep revenue, and asked him, what's the closest thing to a jeep I can get?
"And he said, words! If a picture is worth a thousand words, a jeep is worth a million words! Unfortunately, we couldn't get you a million words because I didn't pay him enough money, but our jeep revenue was enough to get you two: jerpson and jurplel."
The eldest realized, for the first time, we had a tale where the eldest had the best outcome. "You also can borrow my jeep on the weekends," the eldest said to the youngest, to which the youngest son said nothing.

Gaming typing test by jeremycity1

jhwsjdakls ahdjkawhld kjaskldhjwa skljdshwaj kldsjhkdjh sakjdhasdkj hwalskdjas hdkawhlkds jshwajlkjs hadkwjdsah dlkjasdhjk dashljksdhj waskljdhas jkdahlwkdj shdjaklwaj dhsaklshwj daklhwajkl djhjdaskjha djksahdjkls ajhdkjshak jdhaskjhad jkawhldkja shjdkalsdja whdkasljhd shjklhadkla jhadjwklas hjdaklshdj khaslhjdask ldhjasdkhw djkhaskjda hsjdljkhwak ljhdsjkdjk lhwdkjashd jkashjkdha lwajdhj.

dddd by user109703

Hello! My name is Dennylaine Hipolito, and I’m 18 years old. I come from the vibrant city of Taguig in the Philippines. My name is a unique blend of my parents' names, symbolizing the love and unity in our family. I have three sisters: two older half-sisters and my younger full sister.

As an INFJ, I often find comfort in solitude, where I can immerse myself in music, a source of peace and inspiration for me. I have a special fondness for the color pink. When I see pink, I think of blooming flowers and cotton candy, which instantly brings a smile to my face. I also love drinking coffee, especially the iced ones. I often buy with friends and discuss our lives while drinking; other than that, it makes me happy and sleepy instead of being awake. When I’m not being productive, I often find myself spending the entire day sleeping. Despite sleeping in those long hours of rest, I still wake up feeling tired.

Family plays a significant role in my life. Most of the time we come together to watch movies or for family dinners, which helps to strengthen our bond. My parents have always supported me in pursuing my interests, and I am very thankful for that, as it allowed me to see what I truly love doing. I also have two best friends that have been there beside me through ups and downs, school drama, and most especially teenage love drama. They are always there for me whenever I need support, offering a listening ear and valuable advice.

One of my hobbies is watching films, especially K-dramas. I enjoy a wide range of genres, from Disney animations to thrilling action-packed movies; however, my favorite genres beside that are sci-fi and fantasy movies. My all-time favorite cinematic experience is the Marvel Universe. After watching a film, I like discussing it with friends, sharing our favorite moments and surprising plot twists, which deepens our connection.

In addition to films, I also have a passion for video games. Gaming serves as my favorite way to unwind and relieve stress. I often play with friends, where we chat, share laughs, and encourage one another. Through gaming, I have made friendships and created countless fun memories. Me and my friends love playing Call of Duty and spend till midnight playing. Also, that is where I met my best friend. What a small world indeed. I also love playing The Sims 4; it plays with my creativity skills. I love creating a sim, designing the interior of my houses, and making story lines for my sims to create drama.

On top of that, one of my favorite leisure activities is playing the guitar. I often lose track of time while strumming my favorite chords. It helps keep my mind at peace, providing a soothing escape from the pressures of daily life. When I play music, it calms me and relieves my stress. Whether I'm practicing alone or jamming with friends, the guitar has become an essential part of my life, making my days fun.

The art of seduction by boommahahod

Thousands of years ago, power was mostly gained through physical violence and maintained with brute strength. There was little need for subtlety—a king or emperor had to be merciless. Only a select few had power, but no one suffered under this scheme of things more than women. They had no way to compete, no weapon at their disposal that could make a man do what they wanted—politically, socially, or even in the home.
Of course men had one weakness: their insatiable desire for sex. A woman could always toy with this desire, but once she gave in to sex the man was back in control; and if she withheld sex, he could simply look elsewhere—or exert force.
What good was a power that was so temporary and frail?
Yet women had no choice but to submit to this condition. There
were some, though, whose hunger for power was too great, and who, over the years, through much cleverness and creativity, invented a way of turning the dynamic around, creating a more lasting and effective form of power.
These women—among them Bathsheba, from the Old Testament;
Helen of Troy; the Chinese siren Hsi Shi; and the greatest of them all, Cleopatra—invented seduction.
First they would draw a man in with an alluring appearance, designing their makeup and adornment to fashion the image of a goddess come to life. By showing only glimpses of flesh, they
would tease a man's imagination, stimulating the desire not just for sex but for something greater: the chance to possess a fantasy figure.
Once they had their victims' interest, these women would lure them away from the masculine world of war and politics and get them to spend time in the feminine world—a world of luxury, spectacle, and pleasure. They might also lead them astray literally, taking them on a journey, as Cleopatra lured Julius
Caesar on a trip down the Nile.
Men would grow hooked on these refined, sensual pleasures—they would fall in love. But then, invariably, the women would turn cold and indifferent, confusing their victims. Just when the
men wanted more, they found their pleasures withdrawn. They would be forced into pursuit, trying anything to win back the favors they once had tasted and growing weak and emotional in the process.
Men who had physical force and all the social power—men like King David, the Trojan Paris, Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, King Fu Chai—would find themselves becoming the slave of a woman.
Oppression and scorn, thus, were and must have been generally the share of women in emerging societies; this state lasted in
all its force until centuries of experience taught them to substitute skill for force.
Women at last sensed that, since they were weaker, their only resource was to seduce; they understood that if they were dependent on men through force, men could become dependent on them through pleasure.
More unhappy than men, they must have thought and reflected earlier than did men; they were the first to know that pleasure was always beneath the idea that one formed of it, and that the imagination went farther than nature. Once these basic truths were known, they learned first to veil their charms in order to awaken curiosity; they practiced the difficult art of refusing even as they wished to consent; from that moment on, they knew how to set men's imagination afire, they knew how to arouse and
direct desires as they pleased: thus did beauty and love come into being; now the lot of women In the face of violence and brutality, these women made seduction a became less harsh, not that they had managed to liberate themselves entirely from the state of oppression to which their weakness condemned them; but, in
the state of perpetual war that continues to exist between women and men, one has seen them, with the help of the caresses they have been able to invent, combat ceaselessly,
sometimes vanquish, and often more skillfully take advantage of the forces directed against them; sometimes, too, men have
turned against women these weapons the women had forged to combat them, and their slavery has become all the harsher for it.
Much more genius is needed to make love than to command armies.
Menelaus, if you are really going to kill her, then my blessing go with you, but you must do it now, before her looks so twist the strings of your heart that they turn your mind; for her eyes are like armies, and where her glances fall, there cities burn, until the dust of their ashes is blown by her sighs. I know her, men elans, and so do you. And all those who know her suffer.
In the face of violence and brutality, these women made seduction asophisticated art, the ultimate form of power and persuasion. They learned to work on the mind first, stimulating fantasies, keeping a man wanting more, creating patterns of hope and despair—the essence of seduction.
Their power was not physical but psychological, not forceful but indirect and cunning. These first great seductresses were like military generals planning the destruction of an enemy, and indeed early accounts of seduction often compare it to battle, the feminine version of warfare.
For Cleopatra, it was a means of consolidating an empire.
In seduction, the woman was no longer a passive sex object; she had become an active agent, a figure of power.
With a few exceptions—the Latin poet Ovid, the medieval
troubadours—men did not much concern themselves with such a frivolous art as seduction.
Then, in the seventeenth century came a great change: men grew interested in seduction as a way to overcome a young woman's
resistance to sex.
History's first great male seducers—the Duke de Lauzun,
the different Spaniards who inspired the Don Juan legend—began to adopt the methods traditionally employed by women. They learned to dazzle with their appearance (often androgynous in nature), to stimulate the imagination, to play the coquette. They also added a new, masculine element to the game: seductive language, for they had discovered a woman's weakness for soft words.
These two forms of seduction—the feminine use of appearances and the masculine use of language—would often cross gender lines: Casanova would dazzle a woman with his clothes; Ninon
de l'Enclos would charm a man with her words.
At the same time that men were developing their version of seduction, others began to adapt the art for social purposes.
As Europe's feudal system of government faded into the past, courtiers needed to get their way in court without the use of force. They learned the power to be gained by seducing their superiors and competitors through psychological games, soft
words, a little coquetry. As culture became democratized, actors, dandies, and artists came to use the tactics of seduction as a way to charm and win over their audience and social milieu.
In the nineteenth century another great change occurred: politicians like Napoleon consciously saw themselves as seducers, on a grand scale. These men depended on the art of seductive oratory, but they also mastered what had once been feminine
strategies: staging vast spectacles, using theatrical devices, creating a charged physical presence.
All this, they learned, was the essence of charisma—and remains so today. By seducing the masses they could accumulate immense
power without the use of force.
Today we have reached the ultimate point in the evolution of seduction. Now more than ever, force or brutality of any kind is discouraged.
All areas of social life require the ability to persuade people in a way that does not offend or impose itself. Forms of seduction can be found everywhere, blending male and female strategies. Advertisements insinuate, the soft sell dominates. If we are to change people's opinions—and affecting opinion is basic to seduction—we must act in subtle, subliminal ways.
Today no political campaign can work without seduction. Since the era of John F. Kennedy, political figures are required to have a degree of charisma, a fascinating presence to keep their audience's attention, which is half the battle.
The film world and media create a galaxy of seductive stars and images. We are saturated in the seductive. But even if much has changed in degree and scope, the essence of seduction is constant: never be forceful or direct; instead, use pleasure as bait, playing on people's emotions, stirring desire and confusion, inducing psychological surrender. In seduction as it is practiced
today, the methods of Cleopatra still hold.
People are constantly trying to influence us, to tell us what to do, and just as often we tune them out, resisting their attempts at persuasion. There is a moment in our lives, however, when we all act differently—when we are in love. We fall under a kind of spell. Our minds are usually preoccupied with our own concerns; now they become filled with thoughts of the loved one. We grow emotional, lose the ability to think straight, act in foolish ways
that we would never do otherwise. If this goes on long enough something inside us gives way: we surrender to the will of the loved one, and to our desire to possess them.
Seducers are people who understand the tremendous power contained in such moments of surrender. They analyze what happens when people are in love, study the psychological components of the process—what spurs the imagination, what casts a spell.
By instinct and through practice they master the art of making people fall in love. As the first seductresses knew, it is much more effective to create love than lust. A person in love is emotional, pliable, and easily misled.
(The origin of the word "seduction" is the Latin for "to lead astray")
A person in lust is harder to control and, once satisfied, may easily leave you. Seducers take their time, create enchantment and the bonds of love, so that when sex ensues it only further enslaves
the victim.
Creating love and enchantment becomes the model for all seductions—sexual, social, political. A person in love will surrender. It is pointless to try to argue against such power, to imagine that you are not interested in it, or that it is evil and ugly. The harder you try to resist the lure of seduction—as an idea, as a form of power—the more you will find yourself fascinated. The reason is simple: most of us have known the power of having someone fall in love with us. Our actions, gestures, the things we say, all have positive effects on this person; we may not completely understand what we have done right, but this feeling of power is intoxicating. It gives us confidence, which makes us more seductive.
We may also experience this in a social or work setting—one day we are in an elevated mood and people seem more responsive, more charmed by us.
These moments of power are fleeting, but they resonate in the memory with great intensity. We want them back. Nobody likes to feel awkward or timid or unable to reach people. The siren call of seduction is irresistible because power is irresistible, and nothing will bring you more power in the modern world than the ability to seduce. Repressing the desire to seduce is a kind of
No man hath it in his power to over-rule the deceitfulness of a woman.
This important side-track, by which woman succeeded in evading man's strength and establishing herself in power, has not been given due consideration by historians. From the moment when the woman detached herself from the crowd, an individual
finished product, offering delights which could not be obtained by force, but only by flattery ... . the reign of love's priestesses was inaugurated. It was a development of far-reaching importance in the history of civilization. . . . Only by the circuitous route of the art of love could woman again assert authority, and
this she did by asserting herself at the very point at which she would normally be a slave at the man's mercy. She had discovered
the might of lust, the secret of the art of love, the daemonic power of a passion artificially aroused and never satiated. The
force tints unchained was thenceforth to count among the most tremendous of the world's forces and at moments to have power
even over life and death. . . .
The deliberate spellbinding of man's senses was to have a magical effect upon him, opening up an infinitely wider range of sensation and spurring him on as if impelled by an inspired dream.
Repressing the desire to seduce is a kind of hysterical reaction, revealing your deep-down fascination with the process; you are only making your desires stronger. Some day they will come to the surface.
To have such power does not require a total transformation in your character or any kind of physical improvement in your looks. Seduction is a game of psychology, not beauty, and it is within the grasp of any person to become a master at the game. All that is required is that you look at the world differently, through the eyes of a seducer.
A seducer does not turn the power off and on—every social and personal interaction is seen as a potential seduction. There is never a moment to waste.
This is so for several reasons. The power seducers have over a man or woman works in social environments because they have learned how to tone down the sexual element without getting rid of it.
We may think we see through them, but they are so pleasant to be around anyway that it does not matter. Trying to divide your life into moments in which you seduce and others in which you hold back will only confuse and constrain you.
Erotic desire and love lurk beneath the surface of almost every human encounter; better to give free rein to your skills than to try to use them only in the bedroom.
(In fact, the seducer sees the world as his or her bedroom.)
This attitude creates great seductive momentum, and with each seduction you gain experience and practice. One social or sexual seduction makes the next one easier, your confidence growing and making you more alluring.
People are drawn to you in greater numbers as the seducer's aura descends upon you. Seducers have a warrior's outlook on life. They see each person as a kind of walled castle to which they are laying siege.
Seduction is a process of penetration: initially penetrating the target's mind, their first point of defense. Once seducers have penetrated the mind, making the target fantasize about them, it is easy to lower resistance and create physical surrender.
Seducers do not improvise; they do not leave this process to chance. Like any good general, they plan and strategize, aiming at the target's particular weaknesses.
The main obstacle to becoming a seducer is this foolish prejudice we have of seeing love and romance as some kind of sacred, magical realm where things just fall into place, if they are meant to.
This might seem romantic and quaint, but it is really just a cover for our laziness. What will seduce a person is the effort we expend on their behalf, showing how much we care, how much they are worth. Leaving things to chance is a recipe for disaster, and reveals that we do not take love and romance very seriously. It was the effort Casanova expended, the artfulness he applied to each affair that made him so devilishly seductive. Falling in love is a matter not of magic but of psychology. Once you understand your target's psychology, and strategize to suit it, you will be better able to cast a "magical" spell. A seducer sees love not as sacred but as warfare, where all is fair.
Seducers are never self-absorbed. Their gaze is directed outward, not inward. When they meet someone their first move is to get inside that person's skin, to see the world through their eyes. The reasons for this are several.
First, self-absorption is a sign of insecurity; it is anti-seductive. Everyone has insecurities, but seducers manage to ignore them, finding therapy for moments of self-doubt by being absorbed in the world.
This gives them a buoyant spirit—we want to be around them. Second, getting into someone's skin, imagining what it is like to be them, helps the seducer gather valuable information, learn what makes that person tick, what will make them lose their ability to think straight and fall into a trap. Armed with such information, they can provide focused and individualized attention—a rare commodity in a world in which most people see us only from behind the screen of their own prejudices.
Getting into the targets' skin is the first important tactical move in the war of penetration. Seducers see themselves as providers of pleasure, like bees that gather pollen from some flowers and deliver it to others.
As children we mostly devoted our lives to play and pleasure. Adults often have feelings of being cut off from this paradise, of being weighed down by responsibilities. The seducer knows that people are waiting for pleasure—they never get enough of it from friends and lovers, and they cannot get it by themselves.
A person who enters their lives offering adventure and romance cannot be resisted.
Pleasure is a feeling of being taken past our limits, of being overwhelmed— by another person, by an experience.
People are dying to be overwhelmed, to let go of their usual stubbornness. Sometimes their resistance to us is a way of saying, Please seduce me. Seducers know that the possibility of pleasure will make a person follow them, and the experience of it will make someone open up, weak to the touch. They also train themselves to be sensitive to pleasure, knowing that feeling pleasure themselves will make it that much easier for them to infect the people around them.
A seducer sees all of life as theater, everyone an actor. Most people feel they have constricted roles in life, which makes them unhappy.
Seducers, on the other hand, can be anyone and can assume many roles.
(The archetype here is the god Zeus, insatiable seducer of young maidens, whose main weapon was the ability to assume the form of whatever person or animal would most appeal to his victim.) Seducers take pleasure in performing and are not weighed down by their identity, or by some need to be themselves, or to be natural. This freedom of theirs, this fluidity in body and spirit, is what makes them attractive. What people lack in life is not more
reality but illusion, fantasy, play.
The clothes that seducers wear, the places they take you to, their words and actions, are slightly heightened—not overly theatrical but with a delightful edge of unreality, as if the two of you were living out a piece of fiction or were characters in a film.
Seduction is a kind of theater in real life, the meeting of illusion and reality.
Finally, seducers are completely amoral in their approach to life. It is all a game, an arena for play. Knowing that the moralists, the crabbed repressed types who croak about the evils of the seducer, secretly envy their power, they do not concern themselves with other people's opinions. They do not deal in moral judgments—nothing could be less seductive.
The first thing to get in your head is that every single girl can be
caught—and that you'll catch her if you set your toils right. Birds will sooner fall dumb in springtime, cicadas in summer, or a hunting-dog turn his back on a hare, than a lover's bland
inducements can fail with a woman, Even one you suppose reluctant will want it.
The combination of these two elements, enchantment and surrender, is, then, essential to the love which we are discussing. . . . What exists in love is surrender due to enchantment.
What is good?
All that heightens the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself in man.
What is bad?
All that proceeds from weakness.
What is happiness?
The feeling that power increases—that a resistance is overcome.
Everything is The disaffection, neurosis, anguish and frustration
encountered by psychoanalysis comes no doubt from being unable to love or to be loved, from being unable to give or take
pleasure, but the radical disenchantment comes from seduction and its failure. Only those who lie completely outside seduction are ill, even if they remain fully capable of loving and making love.
Psychoanalysis believes it treats the disorder of sex and desire, but in reality it is dealing with the disorders of seduction. . . .
The most serious deficiencies always concern charm and not pleasure, enchantment and not some vital or sexual satisfaction.
Whatever is done from love always occurs beyond good and evil.

Everything is pliant, fluid, like life itself. Seduction is a form of deception, but people want to be led astray, they yearn to be seduced. If they didn't, seducers would not find so many willing victims. Get rid of any moralizing tendencies, adopt the seducer's playful philosophy, and you will find the rest of the process easy and natural.
The Art of Seduction is designed to arm you with weapons of persuasion and charm, so that those around you will slowly lose their ability to resist without knowing how or why it has happened. It is an art of war for delicate times.
Every seduction has two elements that you must analyze and understand: first, yourself and what is seductive about you; and second, your target and the actions that will penetrate their defenses and create surrender.
The two sides are equally important. If you strategize without paying attention to the parts of your character that draw people to you, you will be seen as a mechanical seducer, slimy and manipulative.
If you rely on your seductive personality without paying attention to the other person, you will make terrible mistakes and limit your potential.
Consequently, The Art of Seduction is divided into two parts.
The first half, "The Seductive Character," describes the nine types of seducer, plus the Anti-Seducer. Studying these types will make you aware of what is inherently seductive in your character, the basic building block of any seduction.
The second half, "The Seductive Process," includes the twentyfour maneuvers and strategies that will instruct you on how to create a spell, break down people's resistance, give movement and force to your seduction, and induce surrender in your target. As a kind of bridge between the two parts, there is a chapter on the eighteen types of victims of a seduction—each of them missing something from their lives, each cradling an emptiness you can fill. Knowing what type you are dealing with will help you put into practice the ideas in both sections.
Ignore any part of this book and you will be an incomplete seducer. The ideas and strategies in The Art of Seduction are based on the writings and historical accounts of the most successful seducers in history. The sources include the seducers' own memoirs (by Casanova, Errol Flynn, Natalie Barney, Marilyn Monroe); biographies (of Cleopatra, Josephine Bonaparte, John F. Kennedy, Duke Ellington); handbooks on the subject (most
notably Ovid's Art of Love); and fictional accounts of seductions (Choderlos de Laclos's Dangerous Liaisons, Søren Kierkegaard's The Seducer's Diary, Murasaki Shikibu's The Tale of Genji).
The heroes and heroines of these literary works are generally modeled on real-life seducers. The strategies they employ reveal the intimate connection between fiction and seduction, creating illusion and leading a person along. In putting the book's lessons into practice, you will be following in the path of the greatest masters of the art.
Finally, the spirit that will make you a consummate seducer is the spirit in which you should read this book.

Should anyone here in Rome lack finesse at lovemaking, let him try me—read my book, and results are guaranteed!
Technique is the secret. Charioteer, sailor, oarsman, all need it.
Technique can control love himself.

The French writer Denis Diderot once wrote,
"I give my mind the liberty to follow the first wise or foolish idea that presents itself, just as in the avenue de Foy our dissolute youths follow close on the heels of some strumpet, then leave her to pursue another, attacking all of them and attaching themselves to none. My thoughts are my strumpets."
He meant that he let himself be seduced by ideas, following whichever one caught his fancy until a better one came along, his
thoughts infused with a kind of sexual excitement. Once you enter these pages, do as Diderot advised: let yourself be lured by the stories and ideas, your mind open and your thoughts fluid. Slowly you will find yourself absorbing the poison through the skin and you will begin to see everything as a seduction, including the way you think and how you look at the world. Most virtue is a demand for greater seduction.

Level 3 Super by musieon


SA by musieon


kotlin by user109684

break class continue do else false for fun if in interface null object package return super this val var when while import init abstract const enum override private protected public && || ! == != :: @ () {}

Song-mania by kharia22_fzasx

As she waits at dawn lookin for a way
To escape her lonely heart
I wont fall down you need me
We dont follow crowds we mold them new
Im not done believe me
Wе won’t settle down we will makе them move
Make them mine
I wont let them
Swallow you
As it stands you are no longer my friend
Eat my heart take my soul
Let it burn you
What's on my mind Well Im the farthest gone youll find
You should take a look inside
You should tear apart my mind
I wont fall down you need me
We dont follow crowds we mold them new
Im not done believe me
We won't settle down well make them move
Make them mine
You should let me go
Im not worth saving
We wont let them know
Let them carry on
Let them swallow you
You wont save me too
Let them swallow you

Science Typing Test by mslacey

This is a map of Earth. It uses color to show parts that are covered by land and water. The white parts of the map show large sheets of ice and snow called glaciers.
The map legend shows the feature that each color represents.

quotes by user102584

If you can dream it, you can do it.

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.

You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.

The elevator to success is out of order. You’ll have to use the stairs, one step at a time.

I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal, It is the courage to continue that counts.

It’s not whether you get knocked down. It’s whether you get up.

It is only when we take chances that our lives improve.

Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

Don’t wish it were easier. Wish you were better.

He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.

Either you run the day or the day runs you.

It is never too late to be what you might have been.

Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the ‘hero’ within us is revealed.

One of the differences between some successful and unsuccessful people is that one group is full of doers, while the other is full of wishers.

Do the best you can. No one can do more than that.

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing that’s why we recommend it daily.

Love your family, work super hard, live your passion.

A man who has committed a mistake and doesn’t correct it is committing another mistake.

If you’re not positive energy, you’re negative energy.

I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done.

refr/refr correction by user109653

hyperopia, myopia, regular astigmatism, presbyopia, hypermetropia, single vision distance, single vision near, single vision intermediate, single vision computer, lined bifocal, lined trifocal, lined multifocal, lined bifocal computer glasses, progressive, PAL, office lens, anti-fatigue lens, safety glasses, transitions, photochromic, anti-reflective coating, scratch resistant coating, plastic frame, metal frame, rimless frame, semi-rimless frame, prescription sunglasses, full-time use, full-time wear, use PRN, blue light protection, eyewire, temple, nosepad, bridge

dolphins by wishpath

Short-beaked Dolphin delphis), Dolphin Dolphin"

recycling by wishpath

aluminum Dead than reusing, which clothes, instead

CHSL Spellings by neerajsaini9928

Academician Scholar Academician Educator Academician Professor
Accident Mishap Accident Collision Accident Catastrophe
Accompanied Chaperoned Accompanied Attended Accompanied Escorted
Accurate Precise Accurate Exact Accurate Correct
Acknowledgment Recognition Acknowledgment Admission Acknowledgment Confession
Acquire Obtain Acquire Gain Acquire Attain
Addressed Directed Addressed Spoken to Addressed Handled
Admit Confess Admit Acknowledge Admit Accept
Adulterous Infidel Adulterous Unfaithful Adulterous Cheating
Advertisement Announcement Advertisement Promotion Advertisement Commercial
Aggressive Hostile Aggressive Assertive Aggressive Belligerent
Alarmed Frightened Alarmed Startled Alarmed Disturbed
Amalgamate Merge Amalgamate Combine Amalgamate Fuse
Amendment Revision Amendment Alteration Amendment Modification
Apparent Obvious Apparent Evident Apparent Clear
Appraisal Evaluation Appraisal Assessment Appraisal Judgment
Brazen Bold Brazen Shameless Brazen Defiant
Appropriate Suitable Appropriate Fitting Appropriate Proper
Aquarium Fish tank Aquarium Water habitat Aquarium Marine enclosure
Aspirant Candidate Aspirant Hopeful Aspirant Applicant
Astounding Amazing Astounding Astonishing Astounding Breathtaking
Autonomous Independent Autonomous Self-governing Autonomous Sovereign
Beer Brew Beer Lager Beer Ale
Begged Implored Begged Pleaded Begged Solicited
Believed Trusted Believed Assumed Believed Presumed
Betray Deceive Betray Backstab Betray Double-cross
Bier Coffin Bier Casket Bier Funerary support
Bridges Overpass Bridges Span Bridges Connection
Britain UK Britain United Kingdom Britain England
Bronze Copper alloy Bronze Brownish metal Bronze Metal blend
Business Trade Business Commerce Business Industry
Businessman Entrepreneur Businessman Trader Businessman Industrialist
Buying Purchasing Buying Acquiring Buying Procuring
Calamity Disaster Calamity Catastrophe Calamity Tragedy
Calendar Schedule Calendar Planner Calendar Timetable
Carefully Cautiously Carefully Meticulously Carefully Attentively
Category Classification Category Grouping Category Type
Chariots Carriage Chariots War vehicle Chariots Horse-drawn cart
Chew Masticate Chew Gnaw Chew Bite
Chief Leader Chief Head Chief Director
Chinese Mandarin Chinese Sino Chinese Asian
Choice Option Choice Selection Choice Preference
Circumlocution Wordiness Circumlocution Verbosity Circumlocution Indirectness
Civilisation Society Civilisation Culture Civilisation Community
Clandestine Secretive Clandestine Covert Clandestine Hidden
Clothed Dressed Clothed Garbed Clothed Attired
Colleague Coworker Colleague Associate Colleague Fellow
Collectable Curio Collectable Memorabilia Collectable Keepsake
Combat Battle Combat Fight Combat Conflict
Commendation Praise Commendation Recognition Commendation Accolade
Committee Panel Committee Board Committee Council
Competition Contest Competition Rivalry Competition Match
Concentrate Focus Concentrate Direct Concentrate Devote
Condemnation Disapproval Condemnation Criticism Condemnation Blame
Conglomerate Corporation Conglomerate Multinational Conglomerate Holding company
Congratulate Felicitate Congratulate Compliment Congratulate Applaud
Connoisseur Expert Connoisseur Specialist Connoisseur Authority
Conscience Morality Conscience Scruples Conscience Ethics
Conscientious Diligent Conscientious Meticulous Conscientious Careful
Conscious Aware Conscious Mindful Conscious Cognizant
Conspicuous Noticeable Conspicuous Obvious Conspicuous Prominent
Contagious Infectious Contagious Communicable Contagious Transmissible
Content Satisfied Content Fulfilled Content Pleased
Courageous Brave Courageous Bold Courageous Fearless
Creator Originator Creator Inventor Creator Designer
Criticism Disapproval Criticism Censure Criticism Condemnation
Crowded Packed Crowded Jammed Crowded Full
Currently Presently Currently Now Currently At the moment
Decease Death Decease Demise Decease Passing
Decision Verdict Decision Resolution Decision Conclusion
Decorated Embellished Decorated Adorned Decorated Garnished
Definite Certain Definite Clear Definite Absolute
Delegate Representative Delegate Envoy Delegate Deputy
Demolish Destroy Demolish Raze Demolish Annihilate
Denunciation Condemnation Denunciation Criticism Denunciation Censure
Destroy Ruin Destroy Annihilate Destroy Wreck
Develop Grow Develop Expand Develop Evolve
Dictator Tyrant Dictator Despot Dictator Autocrat
Dilemma Quandary Dilemma Predicament Dilemma Conundrum
Directed Guided Directed Supervised Directed Managed
Disappoint Let down Disappoint Dismay Disappoint Disillusion
Disintegrate Break up Disintegrate Crumble Disintegrate Dissolve
Dissociation Separation Dissociation Detachment Dissociation Disconnection
Distinguished Eminent Distinguished Renowned Distinguished Prestigious
Duty Responsibility Duty Obligation Duty Commitment
Embers Glowing ashes Embers Coals Embers Cinders
Encroach Intrude Encroach Infringe Encroach Trespass
Engineers Designers Engineers Technicians Engineers Constructors
Excellence Superiority Excellence Distinction Excellence Merit
Fascination Captivation Fascination Allure Fascination Charm
Filled Full Filled Stuffed Filled Loaded
Foresee Predict Foresee Anticipate Foresee Forecast
Formed Created Formed Shaped Formed Established
Frustration Annoyance Frustration Exasperation Frustration Irritation
Found Discovered Found Located Found Unearthed
Fulfil Accomplish Fulfil Achieve Fulfil Satisfy
Functions Operations Functions Roles Functions Responsibilities
Gathering Assembly Gathering Meeting Gathering Congregation
Genuine Authentic Genuine Real Genuine TRUE
Giant Huge Giant Enormous Giant Immense
Gracious Courteous Gracious Kind Gracious Polite
Gregarious Sociable Gregarious Outgoing Gregarious Friendly
Haphazard Random Haphazard Unplanned Haphazard Disorganized
Harassed Tormented Harassed Bothered Harassed Annoyed
Heard Listened Heard Noticed Heard Perceived
Hearted Spirited Hearted Brave Hearted Bold
Heritage Legacy Heritage Tradition Heritage Inheritance
Huge Massive Huge Colossal Huge Gigantic
Hurd Obstacle Hurd Barrier Hurd Hindrance
Hygiene Cleanliness Hygiene Sanitation Hygiene Healthiness
Illusion Deception Illusion Mirage Illusion Delusion
Immaculate Spotless Immaculate Flawless Immaculate Perfect
Immediately Instantly Immediately At once Immediately Promptly
Immense Enormous Immense Massive Immense Colossal
Immigrate Relocate Immigrate Move Immigrate Migrate
Imprisonment Incarceration Imprisonment Detention Imprisonment Captivity
Imprudent Reckless Imprudent Careless Imprudent Foolhardy
Incandescent Glowing Incandescent Luminous Incandescent Radiant
Incredibly Amazingly Incredibly Unbelievably Incredibly Astoundingly
Indigestion Dyspepsia Indigestion Upset stomach Indigestion Heartburn
Indisputably Unquestionably Indisputably Undoubtedly Indisputably Certainly
Inoculate Vaccinate Inoculate Immunize Inoculate Inject
Intermingled Mixed Intermingled Blended Intermingled Merged
Intertwined Entwined Intertwined Woven Intertwined Interlaced
Irreverent Disrespectful Irreverent Disdainful Irreverent Impious
Journey Trip Journey Expedition Journey Voyage
Judgment Decision Judgment Verdict Judgment Conclusion
Kingdoms Realms Kingdoms Domains Kingdoms Monarchies
Lascivious Lewd Lascivious Lustful Lascivious Licentious
License Permit License Authorization License Certification
Literature Writing Literature Prose Literature Texts
Magnanimous Generous Magnanimous Charitable Magnanimous Noble
Maintain Preserve Maintain Sustain Maintain Uphold
Marigold Flower Marigold Calendula Marigold Blossom
Marijuana Cannabis Marijuana Weed Marijuana Pot
Marriage Union Marriage Matrimony Marriage Wedlock
Mighty Powerful Mighty Strong Mighty Stalwart
Minister Official Minister Clergyman Minister Diplomat
Miserable Unhappy Miserable Wretched Miserable Sorrowful
Misery Suffering Misery Agony Misery Distress
Mission Task Mission Assignment Mission Goal
Necessary Essential Necessary Required Necessary Vital
Negligent Careless Negligent Neglectful Negligent Irresponsible
Niece Relative Niece Kin Niece Family member
Obtain Acquire Obtain Gain Obtain Procure
Obviously Clearly Obviously Evidently Obviously Plainly
Occurrence Event Occurrence Incident Occurrence Happening
Omission Exclusion Omission Oversight Omission Neglect
Ordination Appointment Ordination Consecration Ordination Installation
Perfectly Completely Perfectly Entirely Perfectly Flawlessly
Physiologist Biologist Physiologist Life scientist Physiologist Medical researcher
Piece Portion Piece Segment Piece Fragment
Poignant Touching Poignant Moving Poignant Heartbreaking
Poor Impoverished Poor Destitute Poor Needy
Precious Valuable Precious Priceless Precious Cherished
Prefers Favors Prefers Likes Prefers Chooses
Premier Chief Premier Leading Premier Foremost
Princess Royal Princess Heiress Princess Noblewoman
Privilege Advantage Privilege Honor Privilege Right
Producing Creating Producing Manufacturing Producing Generating
Professional Expert Professional Skilled Professional Proficient
Profoundly Deeply Profoundly Intensely Profoundly Greatly
Project Plan Project Assignment Project Venture
Pronunciation Enunciation Pronunciation Articulation Pronunciation Diction
Properly Correctly Properly Appropriately Properly Accurately
Propper Correct Propper TRUE Propper Right
Psychology Mental study Psychology Mind science Psychology Behavioral science
Psychometric Psychological Psychometric Mental measurement Psychometric Psychodiagnostic
Quintessential Essential Quintessential Typical Quintessential Exemplary
Rated Evaluated Rated Ranked Rated Assessed
Ravines Gorges Ravines Valleys Ravines Canyons
Rebuke Scold Rebuke Reprimand Rebuke Criticize
Receive Accept Receive Obtain Receive Get
Reconsider Review Reconsider Reassess Reconsider Rethink
Reformation Change Reformation Improvement Reformation Transformation
Reformed Amended Reformed Corrected Reformed Changed
Refused Declined Refused Rejected Refused Denied
Rehabilitation Recovery Rehabilitation Restoration Rehabilitation Healing
Reimbursement Compensation Reimbursement Repayment Reimbursement Refund
Relevant Pertinent Relevant Applicable Relevant Related
Religious Devout Religious Pious Religious Spiritual
Scandalous Shocking Scandalous Outrageous Scandalous Disgraceful
Scattered Dispersed Scattered Spread Scattered Strewn
Schedule Timetable Schedule Agenda Schedule Plan
Sculpture Statue Sculpture Carving Sculpture Figure
Seize Grab Seize Capture Seize Take
Sensation Feeling Sensation Perception Sensation Emotion
Sure Certain Sure Confident Sure Positive
Single One Single Sole Single Individual
Skewed Distorted Skewed Slanted Skewed Misaligned
Special Unique Special Exceptional Special Distinct
Stationery Writing materials Stationery Office supplies Stationery Paper products
Stomach Belly Stomach Abdomen Stomach Gut
Stretch Extend Stretch Lengthen Stretch Reach
Subjected Exposed Subjected Submitted Subjected Subjugated
Submit Yield Submit Surrender Submit Present
Swear Promise Swear Vow Swear Pledge
Sympathy Compassion Sympathy Empathy Sympathy Understanding
Taught Educated Taught Instructed Taught Trained
Thousand Millennium Thousand Kilo Thousand Grand
Thrilled Excited Thrilled Elated Thrilled Overjoyed
Timorous Fearful Timorous Shy Timorous Apprehensive
Tomorrow The next day Tomorrow Future Tomorrow Day after
Unclean Dirty Unclean Impure Unclean Filthy
Underrated Underappreciated Underrated Undervalued Underrated Overlooked
Unintended Accidental Unintended Inadvertent Unintended Unplanned
Vacancies Openings Vacancies Positions Vacancies Gaps
Vindication Justification Vindication Exoneration Vindication Defense
Warrant Justify Warrant Authorize Warrant Guarantee
Warranty Guarantee Warranty Assurance Warranty Protection
Wearing Donning Wearing Sporting Wearing Dressed in
Weird Strange Weird Unusual Weird Odd
Wired Connected Wired Electrified Wired Energized
Whether If Whether In case Whether Regardless
Wrecked Destroyed Wrecked Ruined Wrecked Smashed
Yacht Boat Yacht Sailboat Yacht Vessel

Untitled by user105777

El reciclaje es una actividad fundamental para la preservación del medio ambiente. A través de la correcta separación de residuos, podemos reducir la cantidad de desechos que terminan en vertederos y disminuir el uso de recursos naturales. Al reciclar, contribuimos a un ciclo más sostenible, en el que los materiales pueden ser reutilizados en lugar de ser desechados de manera definitiva. Este proceso no solo ayuda a conservar el planeta, sino que también reduce las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, protegiendo así la biodiversidad y mejorando la calidad de vida de las futuras generaciones.

Leer es una de las actividades más enriquecedoras que existen, ya que no solo nos permite adquirir conocimientos, sino también mejorar nuestra capacidad de concentración y comprensión. La lectura estimula la imaginación, fortalece el vocabulario y ayuda a desarrollar el pensamiento crítico. Además, leer con frecuencia mejora nuestra capacidad de escritura y nos hace más empáticos al ponernos en el lugar de los personajes de las historias. A lo largo de la historia, los libros han sido una fuente invaluable de sabiduría y entretenimiento.

El ejercicio no solo beneficia el cuerpo, sino también la mente. Numerosos estudios han demostrado que la actividad física regular puede reducir los niveles de ansiedad, mejorar el estado de ánimo y combatir los síntomas de la depresión. Al liberar endorfinas, el cuerpo genera una sensación de bienestar, lo que contribuye a una mayor estabilidad emocional. Además, el ejercicio mejora la calidad del sueño, potencia la memoria y aumenta la autoestima, convirtiéndose en un pilar fundamental para mantener una buena salud mental a largo plazo.

La inteligencia artificial (IA) ha revolucionado muchos aspectos de nuestra vida diaria. Desde los asistentes virtuales hasta los sistemas de recomendación en plataformas de streaming, la IA está presente en innumerables aplicaciones que facilitan nuestras actividades cotidianas. Gracias a su capacidad para analizar grandes volúmenes de datos y aprender de ellos, la inteligencia artificial está transformando sectores como la medicina, la educación y el transporte. Aunque aún quedan retos por superar, como las cuestiones éticas, su potencial para mejorar nuestra calidad de vida es innegable.

El transporte eléctrico ha experimentado un crecimiento significativo en las últimas décadas, impulsado por la necesidad de encontrar alternativas más sostenibles a los combustibles fósiles. Los vehículos eléctricos, además de ser más eficientes en términos energéticos, emiten menos contaminantes y contribuyen a la reducción de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. La evolución de las baterías y la expansión de la infraestructura de carga han hecho que esta tecnología sea cada vez más accesible para el público. En el futuro, se espera que el transporte eléctrico sea una pieza clave en la lucha contra el cambio climático.

La mecanografía by user105777

El desarrollo de las habilidades de mecanografía es fundamental en la era digital. La velocidad y precisión al escribir en un teclado son competencias valoradas en prácticamente todos los ámbitos profesionales. Con el auge de la tecnología, las comunicaciones y tareas cotidianas se realizan en computadoras, teléfonos y otros dispositivos electrónicos. Por ello, dominar la mecanografía se ha vuelto esencial.

Al aprender a escribir de manera rápida y precisa, no solo se mejora la eficiencia laboral, sino también la capacidad de concentrarse en la calidad del contenido. Una buena postura, junto con la práctica constante, contribuyen a evitar lesiones relacionadas con el uso prolongado del teclado, como el síndrome del túnel carpiano.

Además, ser ágil en la mecanografía puede abrir puertas a nuevas oportunidades laborales en áreas como la redacción, la programación y la entrada de datos. Hoy en día, existen diversos programas y aplicaciones diseñados específicamente para mejorar esta habilidad. Con dedicación y paciencia, es posible alcanzar altos niveles de destreza.

En definitiva, la mecanografía no es solo una herramienta útil en el trabajo, sino una habilidad que puede influir en la productividad y en el éxito personal y profesional a largo plazo.

chsl by user109642

Working in hazardous sites such as quarries, where explosives and heavy machinery are deployed, is fraught with risks. But human casualties in accidents caused at such sites due to greed-induced exploitation, violation of safety and operational norms, and collusion with regulators, involve an element of culpability. The death of three workers at the privately-owned Venkateshwara Stone Crusher Unit, at Adaimithippaankulam in Tamil Nadu's Tirunelveli district, bears tragic testimony to this. Here, a falling boulder trapped six workers and their heavy vehicles under debris in a 300 foot deep stone quarry on Saturday night. The management, according to the State Director of Mining and Geology, was served a closure notice last month and instructed to suspend operations, after violations. Yet, the operations went on illegally until the fateful night, which brought officials, politicians, and rescuers to the site. Perhaps, a random inspection in the interregnum could have prevented the loss of lives. The preliminary inquiry suggests the crusher unit, which has facilities for the manufacture of M-Sand and blue metal, had compromised safety along the vehicle path. The breach in the mandated 10 feet distance between the upper vehicle path and the immediate lower path is believed to have caused the falling boulder to plunge deeper into the quarry, aggravating the tragedy.

Here's to us! by rearenee

We just graduated yesterday. I'm happy we had the chance to sing, dance, and laugh together. I hope our friendship doesn't end here. Cheers to reaching our goals!

Untitled by trainingteam

Toms River, New Jersey(NJ), 08755 ; Millbury, Massachusetts(MA), 01527 ; Hopkins, South Carolina(SC), 29061