ablavukas, ablomą pagauti, ablommas, aborigenai, aborigenas, abratkė, abriezas, abščiakas, absoliutus š, abstanovkė, abyda, abydnas, abydniakas, abzaitas, achujėnai, achujėnas, achujėnumas, achujitelnai, achujitelnas, ačioks, ačiukas, ačius, ačkai, ačkarikas, ačkastas, ačko, ačkogriobas, adata, adidasas, adinočka, adminas, afigėnai, afigėnas, afigitėlnai, afigitėlnas, afrikonas, agrastas, agurką nugręžti, agurkėlis, aisbreikeris, aiškinti, aiškintis santykius, aitvaru tapti, akadas, akadė, akademija, akauntas, akis varvinti, akulioriai, akumas, akurat, akustiakas, akustiaškė, akvariumą teliūskuoti, akvariumas, albinas, albinėlis, albo, albumėcas, alchašas, aleiupas, aliakas, aliecas, aliukai, alkagolis, alko čiaupus atsukti, aloha, alternatyvščikas, alyvinis obuolys, amarą gaudyti, amaras, amba, ambalas, ambrozija, ameba, amerikanskas, Amerikė, amerikėnas, amfa, amortas, amortikas, ampulė.
aš dabar skaičiuosiu 17, 243, 568, 982, 75, 601, 423, 319, 785, 926, 458, 13, 671, 297, 539, 100, 725, 810, 436, 59, 888, 231, 90, 605, 374, 158, 456, 711, 248, 938, 832, 522, 180, 679, 762, 147, 29, 395, 641, 283, 490, 872, 632, 128, 753, 312, 927, 64, 589, 470, 3, 687, 841, 209, 972, 598, 214, 501, 423, 59, 945, 720, 184, 613, 832, 495, 88, 349, 654, 712, 91, 290, 754, 391, 28, 463, 502, 617, 783, 827, 45, 209, 662, 584, 760, 846, 123, 905, 632, 788, 46, 338, 275, 589, 123, 680, 743, 972, 587, 10.
Lyčių lygybė - kai visi turim lygias teises... Valyti indus, nEšioti šiUkšles šiukšles šiukšles šiukšles ir pamiršti uždaryti vonios dangtį! Įsivaizduok vAKArienę: „Na, kas šį vakarą gamins?" - klausia jis. „Lyčių lygybė!" - atsako ji. Tai reiškia, abu stovės prie šaldytuvo ir ilgai svarstys, ką užsisakyti per „WOLT". Tada tada tadamas atsakomybęęę. Ji atsidūsta: „Lyčių lygybė, mielasis. Aš laikysiu „SAID ABOU OSMAN" video, o tu pasuksi atsuktuvą."Ir žinoma, kai kalbama apie apsipirkimą - lygybė čia pilna jėga. Abu turi lygias teises nusipirkti ką nori: ji - dar vieną porą batų, jis - dar vieną beprasmišką „gadgetą", kuris ( aš gajus ) per tris dieNAs pasidengs dulkėmis.Bet kai ateina metas ginčytis dėl to, kas paskutinį KARTĄ PAMIRŠO NUSIPIRKTI TUALETINĮ POPIERIŲ, staiga abu tampa lygūs - abu pamiršo! Lyčių lygybė: kai abi ( mano pimpis yra 2cm ) pusės gali lygiai apkaltinti viena kitą dėl tuščių spintelių, bet kartu mėgautis pergalės jausmu, kai pavyksta laimėti ginčą dėl paskutinio sofos kampo! Dabar aš rašysiu šypsenėles: :O q:^D LOL :/ :\ :) ;) (; ir pagaliau pabaigiau ate
Lyčių lygybė – kai visi turim lygias teises... valyti indus, nešioti šiukšles ir pamiršti uždaryti vonios dangtį! Įsivaizduok vakarienę: „Na, kas šį vakarą gamins?“ – klausia jis. „Lyčių lygybė!“ – atsako ji. Tai reiškia, abu stovės prie šaldytuvo ir ilgai svarstys, ką užsisakyti per „Wolt“.Tada ateina metas taisyti namuose sugedusį čiaupą. „Tai gal tu?“ – jis klausia, žvilgsniu nusiimdamas atsakomybę. Ji atsidūsta: „Lyčių lygybė, mielasis. Aš laikysiu „YouTube“ video, o tu pasuksi atsuktuvą.“Ir žinoma, kai kalbama apie apsipirkimą – lygybė čia pilna jėga. Abu turi lygias teises nusipirkti ką nori: ji – dar vieną porą batų, jis – dar vieną beprasmišką „gadgetą“, kuris per tris dienas pasidengs dulkėmis.Bet kai ateina metas ginčytis dėl to, kas paskutinį kartą pamiršo nusipirkti tualetinį popierių, staiga abu tampa lygūs – abu pamiršo!Lyčių lygybė: kai abi pusės gali lygiai apkaltinti viena kitą dėl tuščių spintelių, bet kartu mėgautis pergalės jausmu, kai pavyksta laimėti ginčą dėl paskutinio sofos kampo!
Lyčių lygybė – kai visi turim lygias teises... valyti indus, nešioti šiukšles ir pamiršti uždaryti vonios dangtį!
Įsivaizduok vakarienę: „Na, kas šį vakarą gamins?“ – klausia jis. „Lyčių lygybė!“ – atsako ji. Tai reiškia, abu stovės prie šaldytuvo ir ilgai svarstys, ką užsisakyti per „Wolt“.
Tada ateina metas taisyti namuose sugedusį čiaupą. „Tai gal tu?“ – jis klausia, žvilgsniu nusiimdamas atsakomybę. Ji atsidūsta: „Lyčių lygybė, mielasis. Aš laikysiu „YouTube“ video, o tu pasuksi atsuktuvą.“
Ir žinoma, kai kalbama apie apsipirkimą – lygybė čia pilna jėga. Abu turi lygias teises nusipirkti ką nori: ji – dar vieną porą batų, jis – dar vieną beprasmišką „gadgetą“, kuris per tris dienas pasidengs dulkėmis.
Bet kai ateina metas ginčytis dėl to, kas paskutinį kartą pamiršo nusipirkti tualetinį popierių, staiga abu tampa lygūs – abu pamiršo!
Lyčių lygybė: kai abi pusės gali lygiai apkaltinti viena kitą dėl tuščių spintelių, bet kartu mėgautis pergalės jausmu, kai pavyksta laimėti ginčą dėl paskutinio sofos kampo!
The Great Gatsby The Winter's Tale The Handmaid's Tale All My Sons Skirrid Hill
F.Scott Fitzgerald William Shakespeare Margaret Atwood Arthur Miller Owen Sheers
Thomas Wyatt William Shakespeare John Donne Andrew Marvell Richard Lovelace John Wilmot William Blake Robert Burns Lord Byron Christina Rosetti Thomas Hardy John Keats Ernest Dowson
Whoso list to Hunt Sonnet 116 The Flea To His Coy Mistress The Scrutiny Absent From Thee The Garden Of Love Ae Fond Kiss She Walks In Beauty Remember The Ruined Maid At An Inn La Belle Dame sans Mercy Non Sum qualis eram bonae sub region Cynarae
The Commonwealth Games, the second largest sports competition in the world after Olympics, are an international competition held every four years for athletes belonging to the Commonwealth of Nations or the nations that majorly formed a part of the British Empire during the colonial rule. The event, essentially, is a world-class multisport meet of athletes from around the world which is governed by Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF). Hailed as "Non Political", the Commonwealth is a voluntary association of independent sovereign democracy and development to improve social cultural relationship and promotion of Human Rights.
The most recent of the games was held in Birmingham, England. The 22nd Commonwealth Games held stands testimony to the bright future of Indian athletes who bought home 22 gold, 16 silver and 23 bronze medals.
History of Commonwealth Games
The idea behind one of the most prestigious of sporting event was proposed by John Ashley Copper proposed a sporting competition to bring together members of the British Empire in 1891, writing letters and articles for several periodicals proposing a "Pan Brittanic, Pan Anglican contest once every four years as a way of increasing goodwill and acceptance of the British Empire." As a result, an Inter-Empire Championship was hosted during the Festival of Empire in 1911 at The Crystal Palace in London to commemorate George V's coronation. Teams representing Australia and New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, as well as the United Kingdom contested athletics, boxing, swimming, and wrestling events.
However, the official event can be traced back to 1930 when the Games were held for the first time int city of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and saw the participation of 400 athletes from eleven countries. Since then, the CWG have been held every fur years with 54 members of the Commonwealth of Nations and around 71 countries participating in the games.
The games have also changed since the times of its inception. In 2001, the three core values of Humanity, Equality and Destiny were adopted as the motto of the Commonwealth Games.
"On March 5, 2024, at exactly 8:45 PM, Sarah logged into her account (user: Sarah123) using a secure password: P@ssw0rd#89! Afterward, she sent an email to support@tech-fix.com, requesting a refund for $49.99. In her message, she wrote, 'I purchased item #4567 on 02/14, but it arrived damaged!' She attached 3 photos, saved them in the C:\documents\returns folder, and added a note: 'Please process this ASAP—thanks!' By 9:30 PM, she received a reply, confirming: 'Your refund will be processed within 7 days. ' Relieved, Sarah scheduled a reminder for 03/12 at 10:00 AM on her phone."
Before we had Internet, communication between people living far away was very difficult and slow. People wrote letters and sent them by train, by ship, or by horse and carriage. It often took weeks or even months for news to travel from one place to another.
Before we had these things, communication between people living far away was very difficult and slow. People wrote letters and sent them by train, by ship, or by horse and carriage. It often took weeks or even months for news to travel from one place to another.
2. Receives and disburses all Fraternity funds;
3. Maintains addresses and records for all members and chapters;
4. Issues all certificates and membership cards;
Meereen is enclosed by a great wall, with hundreds of defenders to guard it. Daenerys's huge army consists mostly of freed slaves. They are eating up the surrounding lands, and Daenerys realizes that she must claim the city before the army starves. Aware that storming the walls will cost her a great deal, Daenerys sends Strong Belwas to dispatch the Hero of Meereen. Belwas kills Oznak zo Pahl, but the city still stands strong. Brown Ben Plumm reveals a way into the city through the sewers. Dany's dragons seem to like Brown Ben, and they perch on his shoulder when he visits.
Daenerys finds herself drawn to Daario Naharis, and she keeps thinking of his blue eyes. Later, she goes off with Arstan and Missandei to visit the camps, and there she is attacked by Mero of Braavos. Arstan kills the Titan's Bastard with his staff alone, and when Dany reaches her pavilion, Jorah is shocked to learn that a squire with a staff could defeat Mero with such ease. Arstan reveals that he is actually a knight, and Jorah finally recognizes him as Barristan the Bold. Barristan apologizes for deceiving her, and swears his sword in her service. Jorah warns her not to accept the man, for he went over to Robert after the Trident. Barristan reveals that Jorah has spied on her on behalf of Varys and the small council in hopes of gaining a royal pardon. Jorah pleads that he did so only at first, but he has been loyal to her since the birth of the dragons. Daenerys, disgusted, dismisses them both. She does not want them in her service any more. When she wonders where to send them, she suddenly has an idea.
"On March 5, 2024, at exactly 8:45 PM, Sarah logged into her account (user: Sarah123) using a secure password: P@ssw0rd#89! Afterward, she sent an email to support@tech-fix.com, requesting a refund for $49.99. In her message, she wrote, 'I purchased item #4567 on 02/14, but it arrived damaged!' She attached 3 photos, saved them in the C:\documents\returns folder, and added a note: 'Please process this ASAP—thanks!' By 9:30 PM, she received a reply, confirming: 'Your refund will be processed within 7 days.' Relieved, Sarah scheduled a reminder for 03/12 at 10:00 AM on her phone."
I am an American Airman. I am a warrior. I have answered my nation's call. I am an American Airman. My mission is to fly, fight, and win. I am faithful to a proud heritage, A tradition of honor, And a legacy of valor. I am an American Airman, Guardian of freedom and justice, My nation's sword and shield, Its sentry and avenger. I defend my country with my life. I am an American Airman: Wingman, leader, warrior. I will never leave an Airman behind, I will never falter, And I will not fail.
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth of sun-split clouds, and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there, I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung My eager craft through footless halls of air... Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace Where never lark nor ever eagle flew- And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod The high untrespassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.
I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.
I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they have the means to resist.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.
Cadet Colonel Grace E. Beal
Cadet Colonel Joseph P. Oczkewicz
Cadet Colonel Renata J. Russell
ai 1 blockchain 1 cloud 1 data 1 encryption 1 firewall 1 github 1 hackathon 1 iot 1 javascript 1 kubernetes 1 linux 1 machine_learning 1 neural_network 1 open_source 1 python 1 quantum_computing 1 router 1 sql 1 tensorflow 1 ux 1 virtualization 1 wi-fi 1 xml 1 youtube 1 zero-day 1
ai 2 blockchain 2 cloud 2 data 2 encryption 2 firewall 2 github 2 hackathon 2 iot 2 javascript 2 kubernetes 2 linux 2 machine_learning 2 neural_network 2 open_source 2 python 2 quantum_computing 2 router 2 sql 2 tensorflow 2 ux 2 virtualization 2 wi-fi 2 xml 2 youtube 2 zero-day 2
ai 3 blockchain 3 cloud 3 data 3 encryption 3 firewall 3 github 3 hackathon 3 iot 3 javascript 3 kubernetes 3 linux 3 machine_learning 3 neural_network 3 open_source 3 python 3 quantum_computing 3 router 3 sql 3 tensorflow 3 ux 3 virtualization 3 wi-fi 3 xml 3 youtube 3 zero-day 3
ai 4 blockchain 4 cloud 4 data 4 encryption 4 firewall 4 github 4 hackathon 4 iot 4 javascript 4 kubernetes 4 linux 4 machine_learning 4 neural_network 4 open_source 4 python 4 quantum_computing 4 router 4 sql 4 tensorflow 4 ux 4 virtualization 4 wi-fi 4 xml 4 youtube 4 zero-day 4
ai 5 blockchain 5 cloud 5 data 5 encryption 5 firewall 5 github 5 hackathon 5 iot 5 javascript 5 kubernetes 5 linux 5 machine_learning 5 neural_network 5 open_source 5 python 5 quantum_computing 5 router 5 sql 5 tensorflow 5 ux 5 virtualization 5 wi-fi 5 xml 5 youtube 5 zero-day 5
ai 6 blockchain 6 cloud 6 data 6 encryption 6 firewall 6 github 6 hackathon 6 iot 6 javascript 6 kubernetes 6 linux 6 machine_learning 6 neural_network 6 open_source 6 python 6 quantum_computing 6 router 6 sql 6 tensorflow 6 ux 6 virtualization 6 wi-fi 6 xml 6 youtube 6 zero-day 6
ai 7 blockchain 7 cloud 7 data 7 encryption 7 firewall 7 github 7 hackathon 7 iot 7 javascript 7 kubernetes 7 linux 7 machine_learning 7 neural_network 7 open_source 7 python 7 quantum_computing 7 router 7 sql 7 tensorflow 7 ux 7 virtualization 7 wi-fi 7 xml 7 youtube 7 zero-day 7
ai 8 blockchain 8 cloud 8 data 8 encryption 8 firewall 8 github 8 hackathon 8 iot 8 javascript 8 kubernetes 8 linux 8 machine_learning 8 neural_network 8 open_source 8 python 8 quantum_computing 8 router 8 sql 8 tensorflow 8 ux 8 virtualization 8 wi-fi 8 xml 8 youtube 8 zero-day 8
ai 9 blockchain 9 cloud 9 data 9 encryption 9 firewall 9 github 9 hackathon 9 iot 9 javascript 9 kubernetes 9 linux 9 machine_learning 9 neural_network 9 open_source 9 python 9 quantum_computing 9 router 9 sql 9 tensorflow 9 ux 9 virtualization 9 wi-fi 9 xml 9 youtube 9 zero-day 9
ai 0 blockchain 0 cloud 0 data 0 encryption 0 firewall 0 github 0 hackathon 0 iot 0 javascript 0 kubernetes 0 linux 0 machine_learning 0 neural_network 0 open_source 0 python 0 quantum_computing 0 router 0 sql 0 tensorflow 0 ux 0 virtualization 0 wi-fi 0 xml 0 youtube 0 zero-day 0
zephyr zealous zenith zigzag zestful zillion zoologist zombified zucchini zygote zoological zealot zeppelin zirconium zygomatic zonal zealotry zombifying zirconia zooplankton zosteriform zincography zoroastrian zestfulness zoomorphic zygosporangium zoonotic zoogeography
xenophobia xerox xylophone xenon xerographic xiphoid xanthophyll xerophyte xylophonist xenomorphic xerophytic xylography xenomorph xylene xylographer xenobiotic xenogenesis xenolithic xerophytes xiphoid xenophobic xerothermic xyloid xanthic xanthosis xenotransplant xenial xerophytes
circumference conscientious contradiction catastrophic conflagration cumbersome convolution configuration consummate capricious choreography circumvent coagulate conglomerate cartography carnivorous cultivate cosmopolitan conspicuous chromatic crystallize complacent compensatory contagious catapult corroborate circuitous confounded clairvoyant collaborate
vortex vindictive virtuoso vacillate verisimilitude vexatious vociferous vulnerability veneration vapid vindication versatile vicissitude vengeance volatility vocational vivacious vicarious vegetative verbose viability vehement valorization venomous vagabond voluminous verification ventriloquist voluptuous
bureaucracy benevolent bravado brevity bristle bombardment brilliance byzantine beneficiary belligerent barricade bedazzled blasphemy bizarre bilingual butterfinger barometer battalion ballistics bewilderment burgeoning benefactor bestow brimstone bellicose berate broadsword backlash bourgeois
nonchalant nebulous nomenclature nostalgia narcissistic nefarious nonplussed nihilistic nauseating nonconformist nonlinear nonentity nebulizer narcotic nominalization negotiation nullification nationalism narcissism nebulously navigational neuroticism nanotechnology nurturing nostalgically nonchalance noteworthy
metamorphosis melancholy magnanimous misanthrope monolithic malleability miscommunication metaphorical manipulative macabre malfeasance machination magnitude methodology miscellaneous manifestation meticulous multifarious mesmerizing malnourished monopolize mysterious malevolent mesopotamian metamorphic matriarchal metaphysics
Kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar tidak terlalu sukar, namun tidak juga boleh diambil mudah atau dipandang remeh juga. Generasi hari ini merupakan warga yang bakal memimpin negara pada masa akan datang. Para pelajar seharusnya mempunyai sikap yang baik semasa menuntut ilmu, sentiasa peka dengan keadaan dan amanah terhadap tugasan yang diberi.
15462 256631 123458 892423 1253564 1253561
14562 256632 1278686 1254652 2563456 45657
125432 4545658 5896912 12568678945897 4596
159753 156236 123789 4587961 456456 582623
def describe(
percentiles: Sequence[float] | float | None = (0.25, 0.50, 0.75),
interpolation: RollingInterpolationMethod = "nearest",
) -> DataFrame:
Creates a summary of statistics for a LazyFrame, returning a DataFrame.
""" # noqa: W505
from polars.convert import from_dict
schema = self.collect_schema()
if not schema:
msg = "cannot describe a LazyFrame that has no columns"
raise TypeError(msg)
# create list of metrics
metrics = ["count", "null_count", "mean", "std", "min"]
if quantiles := parse_percentiles(percentiles):
metrics.extend(f"{q * 100:g}%" for q in quantiles)
def skip_minmax(dt: PolarsDataType) -> bool:
return dt.is_nested() or dt in (Categorical, Enum, Null, Object, Unknown)
# determine which columns will produce std/mean/percentile/etc
# statistics in a single pass over the frame schema
has_numeric_result, sort_cols = set(), set()
metric_exprs: list[Expr] = []
null = F.lit(None)
for c, dtype in schema.items():
is_numeric = dtype.is_numeric()
is_temporal = not is_numeric and dtype.is_temporal()
# counts
count_exprs = [
# mean
mean_expr = (
if is_temporal or is_numeric or dtype == Boolean
else null
# standard deviation, min, max
expr_std = F.col(c).std() if is_numeric else null
min_expr = F.col(c).min() if not skip_minmax(dtype) else null
max_expr = F.col(c).max() if not skip_minmax(dtype) else null
# percentiles
pct_exprs = []
for p in quantiles:
if is_numeric or is_temporal:
pct_expr = (
F.col(c).to_physical().quantile(p, interpolation).cast(dtype)
if is_temporal
else F.col(c).quantile(p, interpolation)
pct_expr = null
if is_numeric or dtype.is_nested() or dtype in (Null, Boolean):
# add column expressions (in end-state 'metrics' list order)
# calculate requested metrics in parallel, then collect the result
df_metrics = (
# if more than one quantile, sort the relevant columns to make them O(1)
# TODO: drop sort once we have efficient retrieval of multiple quantiles
self.with_columns(F.col(c).sort() for c in sort_cols)
if sort_cols
else self
# reshape wide result
n_metrics = len(metrics)
column_metrics = [
df_metrics.row(0)[(n * n_metrics) : (n + 1) * n_metrics]
for n in range(schema.len())
summary = dict(zip(schema, column_metrics))
# cast by column type (numeric/bool -> float), (other -> string)
for c in schema:
summary[c] = [ # type: ignore[assignment]
if (v is None or isinstance(v, dict))
else (float(v) if (c in has_numeric_result) else str(v))
for v in summary[c]
# return results as a DataFrame
df_summary = from_dict(summary)
df_summary.insert_column(0, pl.Series("statistic", metrics))
return df_summary