
FJ by terezaot


discord by soncaer

discord discord

Gumby Hero by user109891

ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby

Practical life by night_hawk79

Practical life teaches us that people may differ and that both may be wrong: it also teaches us that people may differ and both be right. Anchor yourself fast in the latter faith, or the former will sweep your balls away.

Excerpt of Gjëqeria by real8198

There once was a man named Sinan Gjëq, Gjëq (pronounced Džyk) lived in the village of Gjëqeria, Araqia. He was a proud Araqite, very patriotic. He had a small "ažin" in his pocket. You don't know what an ažin is? Why, it's a Gjëqerian pocket knife used for cutting ropes on ships and boats. You see, many Gjëqerians were fisherman and any Gjëqerian fisherman who knew anything about fishing had an ažin on hand always.

As Gjëq was walking to work he saw a strange sight, a group of hooded men that looked like Jawas from Star Wars. He could tell they were part of the newly formed gang known as the Rüčeni. The Rüčeni were a local Gjëqerian gang known for their strangely large hoods that covered their whole body. They looked like ghosts except for the fact that their hoods were black.

Gjëq decided to ignore these frightening fellows and kept walking to work, as he walked past the Rüčeni he forgot to ignore them and he said "Haliže gutam, mij foroz!" meaning "Nice day, we're having!". The Rüčeni who were very nationalist and hated all foreigners could tell that Gjëq was a fellow Gjëqerian by the fact that he spoke in the local Gjëqerian accent. The Gjëqerian accent

was known for the fact that their "ž" sound was more like a "dž" sound. It was a very distinctive accent that anyone from Araqia would recognize. Gjëqerians were famous in Araqia for their accent. Gjëq skipped along the road to get to work, he saw his friend Tarik Hejič standing by their worksite,

the Ažin River (The pocket knives of the same name were named after the river,). Tarik said "Hey, if it isn't the man the village's named after!". Tarik liked to joke that Gjëqeria was named after Sinan Gjëq. In actuality, it was just coincidence his

surname was like the village name. Sinan Gjëq responded "Yeah, like I haven't head that one before,". Sinan Gjëq and Tarik Hejič shook hands and Tarik told him about what happened on his

way to work, "I saw these "ükša" (the local slang word for "gangsters") standing around in the street on my ride to work (Tarik rode a donkey to the Ažin River rather than walk like Gjëq).

limb by sigmamilk


ASOS - Davos 5 by poschti

Salladhor Saan tells King Stannis Baratheon of the Red Wedding, how the Freys sewed the head of Robb Stark's direwolf, Grey Wind, on the king's shoulders and nailed a crown on its head. Catelyn Stark was slain and thrown naked into the river. Queen Selyse and Axell Florent declare that it was the hand of R'hllor that killed the usurpers, but Stannis knows it was Lord Walder Frey's handiwork. When Stannis wants to send word that he will pardon any ironman or northman who swears fealty, Melisandre tells him that her flames revealed that new kings will pick up where the old ones died. The Seven Kingdoms must be shown a sign, but Stannis has heard enough talk of stone dragons, knowing of all the follies the Targaryens caused by trying to return the dragons to life.

Davos Seaworth persuades the king by asking Melisandre why she needs Edric Storm's life to raise the stone dragon. He also inquires how her leeches were responsible for two kings' deaths, when one was killed by Walder Frey and the other, Balon Greyjoy, fell from a bridge. He also points out that only two of the three false kings are dead so far. The Red Woman has answers, but Stannis sends her away. Still not completely satisfied that he should spare Edric's life, the king sends Davos away as well.

The Onion Knight seeks out Maester Pylos, who has been teaching him how to read. Davos begins to slowly read a letter that arrived some time before from the Wall. The missive speaks of Lord Jeor Mormont's defeat at the Fist, and Maester Aemon's fear that the wildlings may conquer the Wall. Pylos reveals that he showed the letter to Alester, but the king and Melisandre are not aware of the warning's existence.

Week 3 by lionwastaken

Organization Activist Demonstration Participate Determination Practice Summary Innocence Suspicious Desperate

Sentence Joining by kflikk

Gen Alpha has embraced the "Skibidi" dance; it's a fun way for them to express creativity online. The term "Sigma" has become popular among kids; it represents a confident, independent mindset that they admire. Many kids use phrases from viral trends like "Skibidi"; these references help them connect with peers in playful ways. Gen Alpha often blends music and language; songs from TikTok, including "Skibidi," influence their everyday conversations. The "Sigma" mentality encourages self-reliance; kids use it to motivate each other in school and sports.
Memes related to "Skibidi" are frequently shared; they create a sense of community and shared humor among friends. Language for Gen Alpha is fast-paced and dynamic; they quickly adopt new words and phrases from online trends like "Sigma." Overall, the language of Gen Alpha is vibrant and influenced by pop culture; it showcases their creativity and connection to the digital world.

Untitled by user109877

In recent years, the phenomenon of M1 has triggered a heated debate among people and intellectuals. While some state that the positives of M2 cannot be neglected, others believe that the negatives of M3 might be of great importance. After considering both arguments, I assume that M4 may be beneficial.

Sabi Sabi Ko Na Nga by acxlc

Sabi sabi ko nanga, sige sige maglibang wag ka mapapag tanga.
I love the way she makes me smile she makes me smirk. Yes sir
It makes me blush and it gives me chills, it gives me worth worth
And I can see her winning the miss universe and if heaven does exist it will most prolly look liker her. May babae ako nakita kay ganda
yung mga mata nya ay bibihagin ka. Pag tumingin ka sure na sure sapul ka.

Mission Statement by soggy_sage

Providing resources or enhancing the educational experience of future business leaders

SETA by user509135

Over the next one or two weeks, the company will be introducing a new internal mail system that will affect each of our 36 offices. The new system is designed to ensure that letters and packages mailed from one office to another arrive within three days. As was reported last week in the Quarterly Newsline, there have been several instances where deliveries have taken two weeks or more. This was especially true for packages sent from the Vancouver and Seattle offices to the 23 offices in the Southwest region. In order to correct these problems, the Mail Department has completely automated its procedures in an effort to improve handling time by at least 50 percent. In addition, the Computer Operations Department is working on a computerized tracking system to ensure that pickup and delivery schedules are as efficient as possible. Each office will now receive a morning delivery and a pickup late in the afternoon. In order to guarantee delivery within three days, it is essential that all addresses include the new Mail Stop numbers. Books containing these numbers for all 36 offices will be delivered to each department by late October or early November. Please be sure that all section managers receive copies and inform their subordinates of the changes. Anyone who wishes more information is requested to attend a meeting in Room 683 at 8:45 a.m. on Tuesday September 26.

SETA by user509135

Over the next one or two weeks, the company will be introducing a new internal mail system that will affect each of our 36 offices. The new system is designed to ensure that letters and packages mailed from one office to another arrive within three days. As was reported last week in the Quarterly Newsline, there have been several instances where deliveries have taken two weeks or more. This was especially true for packages sent from the Vancouver and Seattle offices to the 23 offices in the Southwest region. In order to correct these problems, the Mail Department has completely automated its procedures in an effort to improve handling time by at least 50 percent. In addition, the Computer Operations Department is working on a computerized tracking system to ensure that pickup and delivery schedules are as efficient as possible. Each office will now receive a morning delivery and a pickup late in the afternoon. In order to guarantee delivery within three days, it is essential that all addresses include the new Mail Stop numbers. Books containing these numbers for all 36 offices will be delivered to each department by late October or early November. Please be sure that all section managers receive copies and inform their subordinates of the changes. Anyone who wishes more information is requested to attend a meeting in Room 683 at 8:45 a.m. on Tuesday September 26.

duties for members by soggy_sage

a) Attendance at every chapter meeting and function.
d) Assist other members in their tasks.
f) Make every effort to maintain at least a “B” average.
i) Meet financial obligations promptly.
m) Solemnly avow the Alpha Kappa Psi Ritual.

Quiz 3 P1 pt 2 by soggy_sage

The programs sponsored by the Foundation are: The Academy, College of Leadership and Success Institutes, All AKPsi Academic Team, and the Case Competition.
The annual giving program for student members is called The Yellow Rose Society. The yearly minimum contribution is $10.
Conventions are held biennially, or every 2 years. The next Convention is in August 2021 in Miami, FL.

Quiz 3 P1 by soggy_sage

The AKPsi foundation was founded in 1951.
The foundations IRS designation is 501(c)(3).
The mission statement of the foundation is: Providing resources or enhancing the educational experience of future business leaders
The current chair of the Foundation ​Board of Directors is Eliza Hernandez Nuccio. There are currently 8 members on the foundation board.
The members of the foundation board
1. Eliza Hernandez Nuccio (Chairman)
2. Jeff E. Frank (Vice Chairman)
3. Stephen A. Smith (Secretary)
4. Lisa A. Calandriello (Treasurer)
5. Manuel E. Pravia (Director)
6. Timothy W. Daniels (Director)
7. W. Frederick Thompson (Director)
8. Rodney C. Turner (Director)
The symbol of the Alumni of Alpha Kappa Psi is the Blue Sapphire.
B.L.U.E. stands for Brotherhood, Leadership, Unity, Education.
The programs sponsored by the Foundation are: The Academy, College of Leadership and Success Institutes, All AKPsi Academic Team, and the Case Competition.
The annual giving program for student members is called The Yellow Rose Society. The yearly minimum contribution is $10.
Conventions are held biennially, or every 2 years. The next Convention is in August 2021 in Miami, FL.

Quiz 3 P1 by soggy_sage

The AKPsi foundation was founded in 1951.
The foundations IRS designation is 501(c)(3).
The mission statement of the foundation is: Providing resources or enhancing the educational experience of future business leaders
The current chair of the ​Foundation ​Board of Directors is Eliza Hernandez Nuccio. There are currently 8 members on the foundation board.
The members of the foundation board
1. Eliza Hernandez Nuccio (Chairman)
2. Jeff E. Frank (Vice Chairman)
3. Stephen A. Smith (Secretary)
4. Lisa A. Calandriello (Treasurer)
5. Manuel E. Pravia (Director)
6. Timothy W. Daniels (Director)
7. W. Frederick Thompson (Director)
8. Rodney C. Turner (Director)
The symbol of the Alumni of Alpha Kappa Psi is the Blue Sapphire.
B.L.U.E. stands for Brotherhood, Leadership, Unity, Education.
The programs sponsored by the Foundation are: The Academy, College of Leadership and Success Institutes, All AKPsi Academic Team, and the Case Competition.
The annual giving program for student members is called The Yellow Rose Society. The yearly minimum contribution is $10.
Conventions are held biennially, or every 2 years. The next Convention is in August 2021 in Miami, FL.

birmingam by myla


Type š, ž, č letters by real8198

THE HISTORY OF KAJROCA: WRITTEN BY ŽAJDA ŠIRA. The Republic of Kajroca (Pronounced "Kairotsa") was a great nation it was very powerful. It demanded tribute from all Čakite nations ("Čakite" was the Kajrocite word for "foreigner").

You may believe that the Kajrocites were cruel but you are only saying this because you are disgusting, loathsome Čakite aren't you? I, Žajda Šira, a proud Kajrocite can smell a Čakite from sixty dozen leagues away.

The Kajrocite war cry was "Atarba daj Čakites!" meaning "Destroy the foreigners!". Kajrocites were a very nationalist people. That is, they were until they became less nationalist. Oh? You believe Kajrocites are a myth?

Well, tell that to me and all the other Kajrocites who live across the world. Although Kajroca sank into the Dead Sea in 1201 A.D. The people of Kajroca live on to this day. The Kajrocite diaspora is primarily concentrated in

the island of Dalžar. You don't know where the island of Dalžar is? You really are a stupid Čakite. Well fine, I'll humor you, The island of Dalžar is located off the coast of some loathsome Čakite country named France.

France is a distasteful nation as are all Čakite nations. France is not especially loathsome it is simply averagely loathsome. One of the many

things I find distasteful about the Čakites is their complete lack of reverence to the late President Danežda Šakča VI of Kajroca. Danežda Šakča VI was a great leader and if it were not for his unfortunate assasination in 1201 A.D. Kajroca

would probably live on to this day. Yes, that's right: The assasination of one leader caused an entire nation to fall into the Dead Sea. Thankfully, our ancestors escaped on boats to the Asian continent.