
Untitled by user107967

studying is the main source of knowledge books are indeed never failing friends of man for a mature mind reading is the greatest source of pleasure and solace to distressed minds the study of good books ennobles us and broadens our outlook therefore the habit of reading should be cultivated a student should never confine himself

Untitled by user108198

the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

Untitled by user107967

studying is the main source of knowledge books are indeed never failing friends of man for a mature mind reading is the greatest source of pleasure and solace to distressed minds the study of good books ennobles us and broadens our outlook therefore the habit of reading should be cultivated a student should never confine himself to his schoolbooks only he should not miss the pleasure locked in the classics poetry drama

Untitled by user107967

studying is the main source of knowledge books are indeed never failing friends of man for a mature mind reading is the greatest source of pleasure and solace to distressed minds the study of good books ennobles us and broadens our outlook therefore the habit of reading should be cultivated a student should never confine himself to his schoolbooks only he should not miss the pleasure locked in the classics poetry drama

Untitled by user108198

the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

Untitled by user108198

the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

Untitled by user108198

the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

Jobs by wishpath

"Your life." - (CEO) 1970s and 1980s. Jobs ^ Jobs # Jobs > Jobs = Jobs

Pediatrics. draws by wishpath

Pediatrics. Pediatrics. Pediatrics. draws # draws % draws & draws ^ draws. Pediatrics. draws ; Pediatrics. draws = Pediatrics. draws 1 Pediatrics. draws ! Pediatrics. draws.

Untitled by user108198

the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

7.14 打字2 by toefl120

normally communication high sponge accomplish help masterpiece therapy fix task that cabin greedy up rating restrict fascinate enlighten vice handwriting chairman hemisphere instruct breadth fruit nose intensify farewell practicable trust extreme ad meanwhile saucer plaster calculation case cheer every disperse off juice incline mass ceiling step differentiate collection heroic testify hurricane ill quiz below luxury worse satellite resemble diligent province easy fellow ambition await objective seem nine automatic sink prosperity external assurance rate pearl narrative equal consensus reject imperative August humid innovation month sit scope radio lavatory cordial crawl impressive doubtless cautious refreshment erupt note readily ultimately argument bucket bomb swift clay pedal synthesis thin revise landing envisage before poor quarterly debate Italian prepare fill useful hook sign beneficial educate acute seal thickness petition ultraviolet half assimilate contaminate specify relevant knife dynamic cause clue tent polish also enjoy experiment textile grave include headmaster caution quotation grease misery bee value advanced stem money loosen episode scarce arrangement announce bud bridge constituent softly rural gorgeous embrace successive outward welfare draw otherwise pathetic gigantic orphan kid recur article margin mirror diplomatic coil clip insist riot uncle prior flourish ache clause embarrass idle pound enlarge sometimes profit attain orange despair drag affection stick economic vapour

7.13打字 by toefl120

ornament apprehension indicative commonwealth dialect discrete weave eloquent eve yoke settle radiant furnish quiver compatible customer outcome hate reed alliance liter spiral repertoire wind lofty preposition foam sixteen sexual zealous jeopardize bid exquisite masculine slaughter lieutenant steer owe congratulation slot Chinese gain basin twelfth random gulf transcend distil bribe bypass intimidate hose senate compartment intermittent descent pasture exile radium thermal oar undermine weary indignant sow instantaneous bureau stall stir relay whistle meadow coarse whereby gaze board resonance equilibrium steward gasoline plague slap rejoice publicity pint breed aluminium glare integrity ripple treason pile descendant facet discrepancy ensue rear spouse warehouse clasp dwell pierce disclose spear fluctuate proceed terminal conserve commerce periodical paralyze alloy razor rib normally

7.13打字 by toefl120

ornament apprehension indicative commonwealth dialect discrete weave eloquent eve yoke settle radiant furnish quiver compatible customer outcome hate reed alliance liter spiral repertoire wind lofty preposition foam sixteen sexual zealous jeopardize bid exquisite masculine slaughter lieutenant steer owe congratulation slot Chinese gain basin twelfth random gulf transcend distil bribe bypass intimidate hose senate compartment intermittent descent pasture exile radium thermal oar undermine weary indignant sow instantaneous bureau stall stir relay whistle meadow coarse whereby gaze board resonance equilibrium steward gasoline plague slap rejoice publicity pint breed aluminium glare integrity ripple treason pile descendant facet discrepancy ensue rear spouse warehouse clasp dwell pierce disclose spear fluctuate proceed terminal conserve commerce periodical paralyze alloy razor rib normally

Untitled by user107967

studying is the main source of knowledge books are indeed never failing friends of man for a mature mind reading is the greatest source of pleasure and solace to distressed minds the study of good books ennobles us and broadens our outlook therefore the habit of reading should be cultivated a student should never confine himself to his schoolbooks only he should not miss the pleasure locked in the classics poetry drama

Application by buns

A 45 year old male presents with a three day history of persistent headache, described as a dull pressure sensation across his forehead. He reports no recent head trauma or changes in vision. Additionally, he mentions feeling fatigued and experiencing mild nausea. No recent illnesses or medication changes are reported. Further inquiry into stressors and recent lifestyle modifications is needed to understand the potential triggers and contributing factors.

Hi by user108225


Challenge #1 by user108225

Today people are living longer than ever, and the long-term promises we make to our customers and clients require us to exist decades from now to support them and their families during different stages of their lives. Incorporating sustainability into our business model enables us to keep those promises by managing risks and opportunities as a capital-efficient, growth-focused company.

Word List 11 by barron

anomaly /uh-naa-muh-lee/ n. irregularity. A bird that cannot fly is an anomaly.
anonymous /uh-naa-nuh-muhs/ adj. having no name. She tried to ascertain the identity of the writer of the anonymous letter.
antecede /an-tuh-seed/ v. precede. The invention of the radiotelegraph anteceded the development of television by a quarter of a century.
antediluvian /an-tuh-duh-loo-vee-uhn/ adj. antiquated; extremely ancient. Looking at his great-aunt's antique furniture, which must have been cluttering up her attic since the time of Noah's flood, the young heir exclaimed, "Heavens! How positively antediluvian!"
anthology /an-thaa-luh-jee/ n. book of literary selection by various authors. This anthology of science fiction was compiled by the late Isaac Asimov.
anthropoid /an-thruh-poyd/ adj. manlike. The gorilla is the strongest of the anthropoid animals.
anthropomorphic /an-thruh-pow-mor-fuhk/ adj. having human form or characteristics. Primitive religions often have deities with anthropomorphic characteristics.
antidote /an-tuh-dowt/ n. medicine to counteract a poison or disease. When Marge's child accidentally swallowed some cleaning fluid, the local poison control hotline instructed Marge how to administer the antidote.
antiquated /an-tuh-kway-tuhd/ adj. old-fashioned; obsolete. Philip had grown so accustomed to editing his papers on word processors that he thought typewriters were to antiquated for him to use.
antithesis /an-ti-thuh-suhs/ n. contrast; direct opposite of or to. This tyranny was the antithesis of all that he had hoped for, and he fought it with all his strength.

MEE Prop Essay 1 by raisedabar27

Title by deed
– Deed must be in writing, sufficiently describe land, identify g/or and g/ee, evidence intent
to convey land, and be signed by g/or
– If g/ee name left blank, some cts presume person taking delivery authorized to fill it in
• Deed is written, describes W-acre, lists O as g/or, says “hereby conveys,” signed O
• Deed doesn’t identify g/ee, A didn’t write in his name
s Deed invalid
Title by adverse poss’n
– Adverse poss’n: actual and exclusive, open and notorious, hostile, and continuous use for
statutory period
– Paying prop taxes not required but good evidence of claim of right (hostility)
• Statutory period = 10 yrs
• A’s possession actual/exclusive (didn’t share possession), open/notorious (gardened,
cut timber, parked cars there), and hostile (void deed) for 11 years
• A paid prop taxes
s A has title by adverse poss’n
Superior title
– Notice recording act = subsequent BFP prevails over prior g/ee even w/o recording
– BFP = purchaser for value w/o actual, record, or inquiry notice of prior claim
– Actual notice = knowledge
– Record notice = properly recorded deed in chain of title
– Inquiry notice = what inquiry of property would’ve revealed
• B paid fair market value
• B had no actual notice
• O-to-A deed not recorded
• No inquiry notice from unoccupied property
s B was a BFP
– BFPs not protected against interests arising by operation of law
• A got title by adverse poss’ns A’s title superior

Restraint 2 by raisedabar27

Answer C is correct. The land is owned by the granddaughter, subject to the friend’s estate for the life of the son. The landowner’s deed attempted to restrain alienability of the interests in the land. A disabling restraint is one that renders any attempted transfer ineffective. All disabling restraints on legal interests (e.g., a fee simple or life estate) are void. Here, the son’s life estate, a legal interest, is subject to a disabling restraint prohibiting him from transferring his interest. The restraint is void, and the son’s conveyance to the friend is valid. The friend takes what the son had: an estate for the son’s life. In contrast to a disabling restraint, a forfeiture restraint on alienation, under which an attempted transfer forfeits the interest, is valid if it is limited as to time and reasonable. Here, the restraint is limited to the time before the interest becomes possessory and seems reasonable; so, any attempt by the granddaughter or grandson to transfer their interest while the interest was still a remainder would cause a forfeiture. Thus, the grandson’s attempted transfer to the neighbor was invalid and caused a forfeiture of the grandson’s remainder in favor of the granddaughter. Consequently, the granddaughter owns the land, subject to the friend’s life estate pur autre vie. Answers A and B are incorrect because, as explained above, the landowner’s son validly transferred his life estate to the friend. Answer D is incorrect. The granddaughter has a vested remainder, and the friend has a life estate pur autre vie.