
Temple Grandin
Why are we postin eugenics???????????

typing text
Growth is mis-spelled at the end of the quote.

I am very addicted to monkeytype haha, just hit 10k tests on there

A honest socialist said...
nonsense propaganda

Albert Camus
Nice; the fourth period is a tad annoying, however.


parapluie's คำคม

ทั้งหมด คำคม

N. K. Jemisin - This is the Way the World Ends (Excerpt from The Fifth Season)
This is what you must remember: the ending of one story is just the beginning of another. This has happened before, after all. People die. Old orders pass. New societies are born. When we say "the world has ended," it's usually a lie because the planet is just fine.

Patrick Rothfuss - Unwise Love (Excerpt from A Wise Man's Fear)
So yes. It had flaws, but what does that matter when it comes to matters of the heart? We love what we love. Reason does not enter into it. In many ways, unwise love is the truest love. Anyone can love a thing because. That's as easy as putting a penny in your pocket. But to love something despite. To know the flaws and love them too. That is rare and pure and perfect.

Patrick Rothfuss - The Power of Words (Excerpt from The Name of The Wind)
It is a word. Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts. There are seven words that will make a person love you. There are ten words that will break a strong man's will. But a word is nothing but a painting of a fire. A name is the fire itself.