
The website just gives me an error message unfortunately: "The origin web server is not …

Temple Grandin
Why are we postin eugenics???????????

typing text
Growth is mis-spelled at the end of the quote.

I am very addicted to monkeytype haha, just hit 10k tests on there

A honest socialist said...
nonsense propaganda


ryrou's คำคม

ทั้งหมด คำคม

Pierre Dac
À l'éternelle triple question toujours demeurée sans réponse : "Qui sommes-nous ? D'où venons-nous ? Où allons-nous ?" je réponds : "En ce qui me concerne, personnellement, je suis moi, je viens de chez moi et j'y retourne."

Marguerite Beaudry
Ces jeux du hasard qu'on nomme coïncidences mais qui en fait, sont l'éclosion de quelques-uns des possibles que toute action fait apparaître dans son sillage.

Michael Crichton
Each generation writes off earlier errors as the result of bad thinking, of less able minds - and then confidently embarks on making fresh errors of its own.

Mark Twain
All war must be just the killing of strangers against whom you feel no personal animosity; strangers whom, in other circumstances, you would help if you found them in trouble, and who would help you if you needed it.