

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Fun and Easy Quote
nice one lol


Gabriel García Márquez


user352939's คำคม

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HATOLA - A great typist
To be a typist, you must use all four fingers on the keyboard, be able to type really, really fast and have excellent, and I mean excellent accuracy. Some typists barely miss any words while typing at all. An average professional typist types about 43 to 80 WPM (Words per minute), while advanced typists type at speeds above 90 WPM. Crazy, huh? Barbara Blackburn who typed 112 WPM in 2005 set a world record for the fastest typist in the whole world.

Jaxton S - Atoms
The basic unit of an element is called an atom. An atom is the smallest building block that you can cut an element into without the element breaking down into a lighter element. Two ways that atoms can be broken down are through nuclear fission or radioactive decay. A chemical compound is a substance made up of two or more elements.

Thecorruptedflowerbug - A live of the life
Flowers bloom, the sun rises, one bad thing could happen that anyone despise. Birds sing, animals play, beautiful horses are eating their hay. Love is all around in the world, nothing can change that. Even the dark things, just put on your confidence hat.