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it was good

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typer_00001's citations

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Zac Poonen - A New Vessel Full Of Salt
God is not looking for new methods, nor is He looking for new organisations in this world to propagate the gospel. The Lord is looking for new vessels full of salt through which He can carry out His purposes. God is not going to evangelize this world Himself. If God wished, He could have thundered from heaven to preach the gospel to this world. But that is not His way. He wants to put the salt inside a human vessel and then pour it out on the land.

Anonymous - Dying to Self (part 3)
When you never care to refer to yourself in conversation or record your own good works or itch after commendation, when you can truly love to be unknown; that is dying to self. When you can see your brother prosper and have his needs met, and can honestly rejoice with him in spirit and feel no envy, nor question God, while your own needs are far greater and you are in desperate circumstances; that is dying to self.

Anonymous - Dying to Self (part 2)
When you lovingly and patiently bear any disorder, any irregularity, any annoyance; when you can stand face to face with waste, folly, extravagance, spiritual insensibility, and endure it as Jesus did; that is dying to self. When you are content with any food, and offering, any raiment, any climate, any society, any solitude, any interruption by the will of God; that is dying to self.

Anonymous - Dying to Self (part 1)
When you are forgotten, neglected, or purposely set at naught, and you don't sting or hurt with the oversight, but your heart is happy being counted worthy to suffer for Christ; that is dying to self. When your good is evil spoken of, when your wishes are crossed, your advice disregarded, your opinion ridiculed, and you refuse to let anger rise in your heart or even defend yourself, but take it all in patient, loving silence; that is dying to self.

Zac Poonen - Do Not Judge
We have a tendency to judge the lavishness of others only in those areas where we ourselves are simple. Many who judge others in one of the above areas often fall short themselves in one of the other areas - but because their judgmental spirit blinds them, they cannot see their own shortcomings. So it is best to avoid judging specks in the eyes of others.

Zac Poonen - Secret Thoughts Of Hearts Revealed
One of the quickest ways for anyone to become a first-class Pharisee is by "watching other believers closely." If you want to avoid being a Pharisee, finish once and for all with that habit - for that is never done with a good motive, to help people, but only with a view to find fault with them.

Zac Poonen - Preachers Whom I Follow
Many preachers say, "Don't follow me, but follow Christ." That sounds very humble. But it is only an excuse to cover up their defeated life; and it is totally contrary to the teaching of the Holy Spirit. The only preachers I respect and follow are those who can say, "Follow me, as I follow Christ." But sad to say, such preachers are rare in our day.

Zac Poonen - Happiest Man in The World
Jesus was the happiest man Who ever walked on this earth. Yet He was the One Who suffered the most. His happiness came out of doing the will of His Father - not by having an easy way through life. He know His Father as perfect love and so He joyfully submitted to all that the Father sent His way. That was the secret of His life.

Zac Poonen - God Needs Women
Determine with all your heart that you will be a woman after God's own heart, in these last days, in the midst of a sinful and adulterous generation and a compromising Christendom. God will give you grace for this, if you earnestly desire it yourself.

Zac Poonen - Discipleship and the Home
The strength of any church is found in the strength of its homes. If the homes are weak, the church is weak. It is not in loud noise or in melodious singing or even in good preaching that the strength of a church lies, but in the godliness of the homes that constitute that church. May we build homes in our land then that glorify our Lord.

Zac Poonen - The Power of Godly Music and Praise
There is music that is worldly and that is heavenly. You can sense it when music is heavenly, because it will lift your spirit to worship God. Some music only makes you admire the musicians! You are an anointed musician if you can lead people to worship God and can bring the spirit of prophecy into a meeting.

Zac Poonen - Manifesting the Spirit of Heaven
The most valuable brother and sister in any church is the one who can bring the atmosphere of heaven into a church and who can build fellowship between the brothers and sisters in that church. And this need not necessarily be the elder brother. All of us have the opportunity to become such valuable brothers and sisters.

Zac Poonen - Don't Let Past Failures Discourage You
No-one can ever type out his life with perfect lines and produce a perfectly straight edge. It is God Who justifies each of us - even the best of us. No man can ever boast before God.

Eternal Security - Zac Poonen
We love the Lord, because He first loved us and because He forgave us all our sins. Therefore, by His grace, we will keep our conscience clear at all times and we will love Him and follow Him until the very end "and so we are eternally secure."

Zac Poonen - Holiness and Health
Holiness is like health. How many of you are afraid to hear messages on being perfectly healthy? Are we afraid of good health? No. Then why should we be afraid of perfect health in our spirit - which is more important than health for our body? Sin is like sickness.

Lawrence O. Richards - What does the word "Immanuel" mean?
What does the word "Immanuel" mean? The word "Immanuel" is a Hebrew name that means "God is with us." It is used to refer to Jesus, who would come to earth and truly be "God with us."