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The website just gives me an error message unfortunately: "The origin web server is not …

Temple Grandin
Why are we postin eugenics???????????

typing text
Growth is mis-spelled at the end of the quote.

I am very addicted to monkeytype haha, just hit 10k tests on there

A honest socialist said...
nonsense propaganda


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Wikipedia - meaning of life
The meaning of life, as we perceive it, is derived from philosophical and religious contemplation of, and scientific inquiries about existence, social ties, consciousness, and happiness. Many other issues are also involved, such as symbolic meaning, ontology, value, purpose, ethics, good and evil, free will, the existence of one or multiple gods, conceptions of God, the soul, and the afterlife. Scientific contributions focus primarily on describing related empirical facts about the universe.

Wikipedia - culture
In the humanities, one sense of culture as an attribute of the individual has been the degree to which they have cultivated a particular level of sophistication in the arts, sciences, education, or manners. The level of cultural sophistication has also sometimes been used to distinguish civilizations from less complex societies. Such hierarchical perspectives on culture are also found in class-based distinctions between a high culture of the social elite and a low culture, popular culture.