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I bet you get praised for your intelligence very often.

A good sign that you should stop adding quotes to this site. That and your …

Whenever I visit this site, I can be sure to come across regurgitated platitudes.

J.R.R. Tolkien
les guillemets sont corrects, mais impossibles à taper -_-'

beautifl song


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Cowboy Bebop - Faye Valentine
Today, you are who you are today, see? You're still me, but you're a newer version. Myself ten years from now; that's so far away, it's almost impossible to imagine. Am I alone - or is there a wonderful person next to me? Knowing me, I'm sure you're causing all kinds of trouble for lots of different people. Sorry, I don't mean to. But it's alright, that's part of life too, isn't it? You're not perfect, but you've got a lot to give. So remember, I'll always be cheering you on.